Knott's closes rides in California's power crisis

Posted | Contributed by Skyboss01

Knott's Berry Farm in Buena Park, California announced yesterday that it will be closing Big Foot Rapids, Perilous Plunge, Hammer Head, Tumbler and the Skycabin in an effort to reduce its electricity use. Additionally, rotational closures of other rides will take place throughout the day. This announcement was made this morning on the radio stations in LA County, and it will remain in affect until the power issues are resolved in California. Disney will not be shutting down any of their rides due to a "sweetheart" deal with the City of Anaheim, which provides them power at a reduced rate.

Knott's was briefly mentioned in The Orange County Register.

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Nuclear Energy is very expensive to produce and its is dangerous. 1 Error and you can get a Meltdown and if that happen all life on earth can get lost. Furthermore the waste of these plants are highly radioactive. In Europe we don't like Nuclear Energy after the accident of a Sowjet Nuclear Plant in 1986. Much of Europe get it radioactive dust of this plant. Nuclear Fusion is the future, that kind of energy is safe, clean and cheap to produce.
Jeff's avatar
Wrong wrong wrong. You are so insanely misinformed, and you certainly don't speak for all of Europe. France is almost entirely run on nuclear power with 56 plants, accounting for three-fourths of all of their power.

The likelihood of a meltdown is so ridiculously low that it's not even worth considering. The systems that control the reaction (the control rods placed between the fuel) are redundant three and four times over. Ditto for the water pumps that cool the reactor.

The only meltdown in history was at Chernobyl, and that's because the Russians couldn't afford to properly operate the plant. It was also a flawed design that no US or Western European plant uses. I've been in a modern containment building (and by modern I mean late Seventies). Trust me, nothing is getting out of those containment buildings. And while radiation in the area is still a problem, "all life on Earth" is not lost.

France DOES recycle their fuel, meaning there is almost no waste. The waste one family produces in 20 years is smaller than a cigarette lighter, and remains radioactive only for a few hundred years.

As soon as you figure out fusion, I'll be sure to congratulate you when you win the Nobel Prize. Fusion is still a pipe dream that hasn't been realized.

Don't believe the hype, and don't challenge me on this... it's an argument you'll lose every time.

Webmaster/Admin -
*** This post was edited by Jeff on 1/23/2001. ***
Wow, Jeff has am ego, but he is right.. France is run almost entirely on nuclear energy...

Nuclear energy is safe, it's the human factor one has to worry about.....

That's problem, Nuclear is safe when properly used, the problems exist when nuclear plants are maintained like Chernobyl was. and we all know there are plant out there that are not being properly maintained...

Jeff's avatar
Do we know? Which ones are those?

Webmaster/Admin -
I think this CA power thing is out of hand. Don't we all know that if people out there would just turn stuff off when it's not in use, like TV's, computers, etc., that rotating blackouts might not even be necessary. Sure, those things don't take up much power, but if everyone was willing to give up just a little bit then this problem would be much smaller and manageable.

I agree with Jeff -- nuclear power is the best way to go for now, until we find something better. The environmental effects are practically nil, but nuc plants have a bad rap because of Three Mile Island and Chernobyl and the like. People in general are scared of them and think they're dangerous, but only because they don't know any better.

In any case, I'm sure somebody out there had to see this problem coming years ago -- in the last 20 years the population has doubled and not a single new power plant has been built in the state thanks to the usual political wrangling. Hopefully this will be a lesson to them and the rest of us...
US needs more normal power plant, to replace the older ones. The modern power plant use less oil and gas and these plants are environmental friendly. In the Netherlands we open in 1997 the largest gas power plant (1600MW) This plant use 10 percent less gas than a older plant of 1972.
Actually I believe that Chernobyl did not even have a true meltdown. There is actual movie called Chernobyl which I watched once in a Science class, but that was a while ago and my memory may be cloudy. While performing a test, they pulled the rods out of the rector and shut it down, which caused a fire in the core. I guess then you could consider it a meltdown. Pressure built up which caused the lid of the reactor to pop off. The fire was then fueled by the open air and expanded, soon out of control. With a modern containment system, if the lid of the reactor were to come off, nothing serious would happen. Chernobyl dose not even resemble a modern plant and is a mistake that wont be repeated twice.

Gas is good, clean, and safe. but we are running out fast and its expensive.

I just remembered a bizzare experience I had at SFGadv. in 99'. It's July and it's 100 degrees the whole day. Rides starting dropping like flies, I'm assumming from all the air-conditioners being on, and an overloaded power grid. Rides were literally shutting down, some while I was about to get on the ride. First, Batman of B&R the Chiller, then the Frisbee, Medusa, Batman the ride, Skull Mountain, and Chaos. The park wound up closing 2 hours early and the rides listed above never reopened. Even the McDonalds up the road couldn't serve sodas. So the moral of the story is that power outages can happen outside of California and don't go when it's this hot!
Facts and Tid-Bits:

1. Jeff - You're right on with this.
2. Roger - My finger's on your panic button. Get over it. It's the 21st century. Hell hath not frozen over yet because of Nuclear (Nucliar) power yet.
3. The problem in CA has to do with a poor deregulation program. Unlike the airline deregulation that expanded resources, the poorly devised California power deregulation cut off reliable resources of power causing a three fold price hike (my normal bill of $150 has jumped to nearly $300 plus $200 deferred - $500 - and I'm using less power today than I was before deregulation). Side note, the "deferred part" was a great political idea to reduce monthly bills. It has to be paid back at a later date by the tax payers i.e. ME! It has also resulted in increased rates to customers because the power companies have had to get loans to cover deficits. Many power companies are on the brink of going bankrupt, causing further cost hikes and a reduction of power being supplied because of poor credit. You want to talk about a mess!!! The current deferred total accross the state is $1.6 BILLION! My share alone is over $1000.
4. Thanks to people who do freak out over nuclear power and over-react forcing environmental protection, California has not built a power plant in 20 years.
5. Those who do freak out and live in CA can move for all I care. I'm a native and I've earned the right to tell all the tree huggers to jump in a lake. This is killing the state. If you think for one minute that the rest of California is going to stand for this you have another thing coming.
6. Build a damn power plant now, or this state will be dark. But, I guess that's what all the tree - huggers want. This has not been about fairness, it's been about special interest greed.

Another side note... The environmentalists are now attempting to force San Onofre to permanently close down it's second reactor. NICE!!!!

Oh my freekin' head!

*** This post was edited by Skyboss on 1/24/2001. *** *** This post was edited by Skyboss on 1/24/2001. ***
Well on the subject of "sub-standard" nuclear power plants, a few years ago (mid-ninties) a couple of Commonwelth Edison nuclear plants in Illinois were taken off-line because of some safety "issues". From what I recall, they were not a danger to people/the envionment, just not up to the very strict codes the legislature set up. If I'm not mistaken one of them was in Clinton.

BTW fusion is a reality. You can make energy that way...problem is, you have to invest so much energy into the process you end up in the red :).
--Who is waiting to examine a "cold-fusion" patent.

P.S. Solar Cells are the most inefficient energy producing devices. Ask anyone who either worked on the "solar car" projects or in sattelite design.
Skyboss, I don't live in CA but I'm right with you on the "tree huggers" comments. I hope they're satisfied with the fruit of all their hard work. Here's an idea: How about creating "environmentalist zones" -- call it what you want -- where no technology whatsoever is allowed. Then all the radicals can go there and be satisfied with living like humans did eons ago, and maybe they'll leave the rest of us alone (wishful thinking). If only everyone just had a little bit of foresight and common sense...I'm not saying all environmentalists are wrong, but there certainly are too many extremists.

By the way, weren't coasters involved in this discussion a long time ago? Not that I'm complaining, I just think it's funny that we come here to check out coaster news and wind up debating power issues instead.
StandUp - Ditto. What ever happened to the Billion Dolar atom smasher? Oh yeah, the tree huggers nipped that too. One smash was enough to power a whole city the size of LA for a day!

Oh my freekin' head!

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