Knoebels opening day 4-27-13

kingdakacor's avatar

With BOGO admission and perfect park weather the place was jammed to say the least. I got to the park around 11:30am and stayed until 2:30pm. Long lines prevailed at the Phoenix, Twister, even the Black Diamond but as I said, they came out in droves today. I did not get to do much because of the crowds but here is what I encountered today-

Coasters- Phoenix was about a 25 min wait. They had to test run the yellow train after a person went to the top of the lift hill. Then they put on the second train. I must say it was neat to see how it was done. It was the first time I ever got to witness it up close. I sat in the third row and the usual airtime seduction prevailed over my posterior.

Twister had some new track work done as did Phoenix. Phoenix had more esepcially in the second out and back section. It was bumpy to say the least. Not the best ride I have gotten on it. The helix section was more on the smooth side.

Flats-Grand Carousel fresh off its 100th bday year was great. Although I got the brass ring last year, not this time around. But I did get a record 12 rings on my ride.

Haunted Mansion was great as always I saw a few DAFE people roaming around the park too. StratosFear was probably one of the best drop towers I have ever been on. at 148 ft it was faster than I thought. It was quite a rush.

Food and operations-A cool moment came as I was sitting on my horse at the carousel. A young girl was sitting on the horse while her dad was holding her. She said something to the tune I hope I get a ring. One of the ride ops walked over and gave her two silver rings for her to start off with. I even think he said she could keep them. Was a great gesture was was the service all over the park

Birch beer was awesome and the homemade coleslaw was to die for. Their chicken fingers and fries was not up to par as it usually is. I know its typical park food but I will def try something unique next time.

A-HA moment-I never really took the time to look at the pictures above the horses on the carousel. They were really funny and I never really took notice of them until today.

Bummers-Wish they ran two trains on phoenix from the get go but I am guessing they had no idea when they would need a second one. And part of me wishes the StratosFear ride stopped you at the top, but it drops straight down. Wish it would hold you for a good 7 seconds, but still a great ride.

Sky's the limit.

We went yesterday too. We have been going to knoebels opening day for the last 10 years and this was by far the most crowded we'd ever seen it.

We waited about 40 minutes to get our ride bands. We went with friends, and it was about letting our 9 year old daughters hang out and have fun. Both girls had a blast. Of course we were hoping their daughter was brave and would push Josie to ride new rides. It didn't work. Two wimpy kids equal a day of watching them spin in circles on various rides.

Phoenix was running really well and after the 2nd train was added It made for a short wait. With the usual opening day crowds they would run 1 train and the wait would've been about the same.

It was pretty classy of them to allow the wristbands to be honored over an hour after 6 because of the crowds. The kids got denied on the balloon flight around 7:20 pm after they already ridden items twice. ;-)

It's the simple things that make us happy. Their food is good and cheap, the phoenix is still in my top 5, and I don't think that'll change, and when your ate getting a buy 1 get 1 it makes it even more of a bargain.

Weather was perfect yesterday, glad to hear you guys had some fun.

Flying Turns wasn't open??? ::ducks::

kingdakacor's avatar

Flying turns was not open. I did see one car on the station track. Same old paper explaining they don't know when it will open is still on display. Hopefully by PPP but even that might be a stretch.

Sky's the limit.

LostKause's avatar

I wonder when it will be time for them to just write FT off and give up? How long has it been now?

kingdakacor's avatar

The track was completed in 2007. Testing was done that same year. Too many problems with the trains wheels and they rebuilt a portion of the station to accommodate a new type of train. Who knows when it will open

Sky's the limit.

We went on Sunday and had a great day. Didn't ride StratosFear because of the line but it sure does come down fast AND far. It brakes right at the bottom.

I had read that Keansburg had their bumper car ride destroyed during Superstorm Sandy and I had heard that they had some Lusse cars. It appears the bumper cars have landed at Knoebels. I saw about 8 cars that were not Lusse sitting near the entrance to the park with one having Keansburg Fire Chief written on it. These cars are not in operating condition. I did see operating on the Skooters 2 pink/white Lusse type cars that I have never seen before and can only assume they were from Keansburg.

Last edited by MrZero,
Timber-Rider's avatar

Wow. The flying turns is still closed? Why don't they just paint it black, stick some disco lights on it, and shoot lazor lights out of it at night. At least do something with it. 5 years and still nothing? I thought Great America's De-ja-vu was a lawn ornament. This beats it by a mile.

I didn't do it! I swear!!

Jeff's avatar

Deja-Vu is running just fine at Silverwood.

Jeff - Editor - - My Blog

Jeff said:

Aftershock is running just fine at Silverwood.

You meant this instead, right?

Raven-Phile's avatar

Yeah, man. You sure told him.

Timber-Rider's avatar

I know Jeff. I have seen videos of it on Youtube. Seems pretty sad that a park like Silverwood can keep the coaster up and running, but Great America could never seem to get their stuff together and keep what looks like a fun coaster. Also notice that the one at Magic Moutain ran just fine as well.

Would have liked to have the chance to ride it. Every time I went to Great America when De-Ja-Vu was there. It was closed. People said it was rarely open while it was there.

I didn't do it! I swear!!

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