KI's Racer To Run Both Trains Forward

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I have to say all the "Cedar Fair sucks" comments have been getting old. But this decision by Cedar Fair has me scratching my head.

"The decision to run both sides of the Racer forward again after 26 years with one side facing backward was made in an effort to be consistent with other Cedar Fair parks."

Seriously? That can't be it. Do they seriously think that having a racing coaster running one train forward and one backward diminishes their ability to leverage their brand equity? There's gotta be more to it.

The great thing about the Racer was that it is (was) somewhat unique. Wanna ride forward? Backward? It gave the ride a little more personality. If they really want to be consistent, then replace the track with tubular steel so it's more like Gemini.

Some interesting comments from what appears to be the general public:

PTC does not condone running their trains backwards. While it is probably safe as safe can be, this is enough to keep CF from doing so, and from a liability standpoint I don't blame them even if it does suck.

-Brent Kneebush

eightdotthree's avatar
Someone made an interesting comment, "Maybe they'll bring back the racing aspect of the ride. When they made the racer go backwards, they lost part of the appeal of the ride. I remember the races and the workers on one side vs the other would get people riled up for the races."

Would that make things better?

Jeff's avatar
It's all about liability and perceived safety on the part of those who are ultimately responsible when someone gets hurt. If someone did, and PTC has made a public claim that they don't condone it, they're going to get nailed. Previous owners were willing to assume that risk, clearly Cedar Fair is not. I don't think there's anything deeper than that.

Jeff - Editor - - My Blog

Carrie M.'s avatar
I rode the Rebel Yell backwards at King's Dominion. Beyond the idea of riding a coaster backwards, it wasn't worth it. It wasn't very comfortable.

If running the coaster that way isn't supported by PTC and offers any safety liability, it makes sense not to do it any longer. And I agree that bringing back the racing aspect offers a better level of fun, anyway.

"If passion drives you, let reason hold the reins." --- Benjamin Franklin

rollergator's avatar
The above comments pretty much sum up my feelings. Racing, IMO, beats the heck out of riding backward. But I do appreciate that alot of people seemed to enjoy that aspect. Some even got an extra credit for that I suppose...hehehe. I'm a little bummed, but having known about it for awhile has taken most of the sting out.

Besides, I usually prefer to ride facing forward myself. ;)

Kinda surprising given the legal/liability nature of all this that it's taken HIS long for the parks to get around to...turning around. ;)

crazy horse's avatar

rollergator said:
The above comments pretty much sum up my feelings. Racing, IMO, beats the heck out of riding backward. But I do appreciate that alot of people seemed to enjoy that aspect. Some even got an extra credit for that I suppose...hehehe. I'm a little bummed, but having known about it for awhile has taken most of the sting out.

Tell that to cedarpoint. I wish they would race the gemini like they used to. They only race it durring the day.

what you've just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard.
Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it.
I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul.

Vater's avatar
I remember enjoying Rebel Yell long before KD started running one side backwards. I won't miss the backwards side that much, and I hope they start racing both sides more consistently. That's one thing I do miss, and I never understood why it was so difficult to coordinate the two sides to do so.
The insurance industry is out of control in all areas of society. If I told you what my insurance was in Florida 10 years ago and what it is today you all would be crying for me.

It should be no surprise that the insurance industry has screwed the amusement business as well.

Racing > backwards. Period. It's hands down a better experience and more fun any day of the week IMO.

I survived a Japanese typhoon and the Togo flat ride of death!!!!!!
crazy horse's avatar
Thank the lawyers.

They are killing this country.

what you've just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard.
Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it.
I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul.

I agree about the lawyers, it seems as though there is a ambulance chaser's commercial on the TV every commercial break now a days.

I would of thought the reason was the amount of repair work that has/had to be done on the backward sides of both Thunder Road and Rebel Yell besides PTC not wanting their trains ran backwards. *** Edited 4/6/2008 12:49:52 AM UTC by otterkpr***

Well, that's one wish come true for me personally. Now can we just get the ride ops to actually race them so the name isn't totally pointless?!

Now officially a Halloween Haunt Cornstalker for Fall '08!
I wouldn't count on the trains being raced.
I think I was once told that Cedar Fair (or Cedar Point maybe) was self-insured. Anyone know if this is true? If it is, it makes many of the things they do seem to make more sense!


Carrie M.'s avatar
What makes you say that, Rob?

"If passion drives you, let reason hold the reins." --- Benjamin Franklin

Same thing happened with American Eagle at SFGAm when Shapiro took control of SF.

They stopped the blue side from running backwards. Obviously they have their reasons.

My favorite MJ tune: "Billie Jean" which I have been listening to alot now. RIP MJ.

This is a shame! I love the backward riding aspect. The last couple of times I rode it backwards, we were still racing. Surprisingly closer racing than some of my rides on Gemini. I will miss it.
Okay, how about a deal...

KI can run all the trains forward. In exchange, throw us coaster nuts a bone, huh? Now that nobody is going backward, can we PLEASE lose the headrests and the upper portion of the seat divider?

--Dave Althoff, Jr.

matt.'s avatar
Honestly I've never understood why so many racing coasters never seem to race nowadays. Is it really so hard to just hold up a train for a little bit so it can race with the other one? I mean if it's a while go ahead and dispatch and try next time but it seems like such a little thing that could makes the ride make that much more entertaining.

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