Kings Island, SFOG, Carowinds TR-S:UF part 2

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OK Six Flags over Georgia, we had ordered my season pass on the internet and to get it we had to wait in the Will Call line. Only three were open and the place was packed. It was unbelievable, no cohesion to ticket plaza at all, we waited in line about 1 and a Half hours for my season pass, and that is without processing it, the line for that was ridiculous. We finally got into the park and had about a 20 minute wait for Mindbender which was very impressive, awesome G's. Then we headed to Deja Vu which was on again off again all day, we didn't ride. We headed to a 30 min wait for Ninja which has the best headchoppers I have ever experienced. Next up, Great American Scream Machine which is a truly splendid PTC Creation, 30 minute wait for it. Then we get to the reason we came on the first day of spring break (the Spring Break Thing was a Mistake BTW) Superman Ultimate Flight. 2 hour wait and What can I say, It was just awesome. Very Comfy restraints and the flying sensation is amazing. The pretzel pulls some extremely high g's at the bottom, so high I couldn't even scream. The Zero G is also great and I have to say I found my New Favorite looper, well until Carowinds that is. After we rode S:UF I got my pass processed which took about an hour. On to Carowinds.

Another Beutiful park, and it was empty. Walked on or stayed on everyhting there excpet for Top Gun which I have to say is my current favorite looper, very intense and just an awesome layout. Vortex was good. Ricochet was your typical mouse. Hurler is a lot of fun and you defineitly get mor air in the front seat then the backseat. Thunder Run was great but I have to say backwards is much smoother then forward. Carolina Cyclone is the smoothest Arrow I have ever rode and Scooby's Ghoster Coaster is a great little coaster as is Super Saturator. We got multiple rerides on each of these. Meals are so cheap here and they are great. Got Country Fried Steak, Real mashed Potatoes, Cole Slaw, and a Pop for 7 bucks, show me another park where you can do that.

All In all we had a great weekend, next time we will have to remeber to b ring the sunscreen, OUCH!!!

Does CCI know how to make a bad coaster?

Does Carrowinds get better and better each year or what? Nice reports!

So what is better? SFMM or CP? I don't care! They both have 29 coasters between them that they build so we can have a good time!

Carowinds has actually come a long way. Every year they seem to improve. I hope next year they will get another big coaster but who knows. I have a feeling its gonna be some flat rides and another re-themed area which I wouldnt mind either.

Next year's expansion will be in the current Old World Marketplace' area. As you may know, that area definitely could use some of the 'freshening up' treatment that other portions of the park have received. It looks like 2 new rides (no one will say what) and the Carolina Sternwheeler may be made stationary and turned into a restaurant. This would open the way for creating an attraction on the former Smurf Island, but I don't know how soon that would come. Plans for a hypercoaster have not been scratched, but for 2003? Don't bet on it.

*EDIT* I meant to say Old World Marketplace instead of Carolina RFD (fixed it now)
|| Jonathan Hawkins ||

*** This post was edited by StarCoasters on 4/8/2002. ***

Do you know any statistics on the hypercoaster plans? I really do like how Carowinds is re-themeing or fixing up a lot of the areas of the park. Personally, I would rather have them make it nicer than adding another large coaster... plus, we could use some flat rides. Its so early in the season and I am already excited about next year!

*** This post was edited by GhettoCoaster on 4/8/2002. ***

The park obviously isn't going to reveal much about their coaster plans, especially since they are just PLANS, but I have had the opportunity to speak with Carowinds higher-ups a few times. I was told that if one were built it would run parallel to Cyclone and Waterworks with its turnaround at Thunder Road's turnaround. This is a logical location, although either employee parking or a portion of the campground would have to be modified. Ken Rutherford told me otherwise (the park is using his old photos were their 30th anniversary promotion). This wasn't the first time this had been mentioned to me, but he was told that the probable location would be near the flume, with possibly a dive under the entrance bridge using the old train route. This would actually fit in with plans to revamp Old World Marketplace. Don't start getting too excited about next year yet, just enjoy the park now :)

|| Jonathan Hawkins ||

So the coaster *might* dive under the bridge in the front?
It appears that that is an option. It is currently used as a service road I believe. I looked at it when I was there Saturday, and there is definitely room for a coaster to go in that area, but it seems like it would be a lot easier for it to run along the side of the park as mentioned before. Right now though, I am just hoping for a coaster. Period. I personally think we will see it in 2004.

|| Jonathan Hawkins ||

That sounds really cool. Im really hoping for one too, but if not I'm sure whatever they do will be great. Would it go over any rides if it were to be built so that it dives under the bridge? How do you get to talk to these people? I would love to be able to meet them and talk to them.

*** This post was edited by GhettoCoaster on 4/8/2002. ***

What I have said is pretty much all I know. I talk to them from going to the park tons of times during the summer heh. Sometimes I'll get to chat with them at media days or I'll run into them in the park (rarely).

|| Jonathan Hawkins ||

Hey Jonathan, Andrew and I were thinking that it could dive under the bridge and go up hill/turn (hammerhead on B&M or twisting hill on Arrow or Morgan) over the road and then into that big green space in the middle of the parking lot and be a twister. That would be awsome!!

800,000 years in 7 seconds: Time Machine the movie or next S&S creation?

They have a lot of unused space out where the entrance road and parking lot is. I think that the area behind the Xtreme Skyflyer and The Hurler would also be a good place. They could just move the bus parking over to the unused parking lot next to Thunder Road. Hopefully they will get it and wherever they put it Im sure it will be awesome. Look at Top Gun... who would of known?
A Hyper would really really add to Carowinds, but it's hard to improve on such a great place anyway. I was truly blown away by Top Gun, head and shoulders above Raptor.

Does CCI know how to make a bad coaster?

Whoo.. I've spent endless hours designing Carowinds' proposed hyper as well as a few attractions on Smurf Island. I just use this image and MSPaint (after I flip the image upside down, can't get use to south being down hehe) and let my mind go wild. Anyway, glad to hear Carowinds already has "plans" for 2003. Can't wait!

Does Carowinds own all that land around Hurler and all the way east!? If so, thats a lot of room:)
As you enter Wayne's World and are looking straight at Hurler with Stan Makita's directly in front, behind the Hurler there is a large forest area behind a small service road beside the coaster. I hear a lot of people say this would be a good place to expand, but unfortunately, Carowinds does not own this land.

|| Jonathan Hawkins ||

Man... well... is there any way they can buy it then?! I think they have enough room for a large coaster. I wish they owned it though. A hypercoaster isolated in the woods, almost like Nitro. I would love that! Oh well, I guess were gonna have to wait and see...

*** This post was edited by GhettoCoaster on 4/11/2002. ***

*** This post was edited by GhettoCoaster on 4/11/2002. ***

Its funny actually, the company my mom works for owns that land behind Hurler. I always annoy her buy begging her to ask her bosses to sell it. :)

800,000 years in 7 seconds: Time Machine the movie or next S&S creation?

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