Kings Island, SFOG, Carowinds - TR, S:UF Part 1

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Great Weekend,

Started out Friday at PKI to get our Season Pass took 10 minutes to get our passes andf get them processed. It was cold so not many people in the park and not much operating but we did hit up Sonny which is getting smoother with age, Got a Very Cold and Very fast ride after a 15 Minute wait. After Sonny we headed to Top Gun and walked right on, It was tasty as always but too short as always. Then onto a 20 minute wait for Drop Zone, extrme craziness on that ride. You have no perpsective to tell when you are at the top unlike Power Tower and the free fall effect is just splendid. After Drop Zone onto FOF, about a 30 Minute wait and a great ride with the lights on and no brakes. It is so dissorienting you cannot tell which way is up at first. We were running short on time and only racer forward was running so we headed to Tomb Raider which deserves it's own seperate paragraph.

First of all the theming is great, the metal made to look like bamboo and the real bamboo growing just added to it. The Music was great and not annoying at all. Then we head into the cave. It was just great theming right on track with anything at Universal. Finnally you get to the room and are paired off into three lines and you stand there waiting as the lights arrange onto the door in front of you and the doors open. Amazing effect and the theming in the room are awesome. The door is a stone rolling away effect. Then you enter the antechamber awesome theming in there, truly marvelousthe door rolls shut behind you then all of a sudden it goes pitch black. And I mean PITCH black. You watch a movie explainign the mission and then the real deal comes up. the door in front of you opens and there is tomb raider, IT IS HUGE!!!!!! I could not belive the size of it. The experience was truly truly amazing and that is all I will say as I don't want to give anything away. Anyway then onto SFOG. Go to Part two for that.

Does CCI know how to make a bad coaster?

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