Kings Island closes explanation

Associated parks:
Kings Island, Mason, Ohio, USA

July 10, 2018

So my son and I are in line for The Beast to do a night ride. They make an announcement about temporarily stopping the ride at 9:40 for the fireworks, but if you are in line you are welcome to wait until after the fireworks to ride.

We were the last ride before the break for the fireworks. One worker looked flustered and started running around the platform talking to the other workers. We over heard them saying the fireworks were cancelled. They finally cleared us to go. When we got back in, the platform was empty and they announced The Beast was closed for the night.

No big deal, it was still 9:40, still time for a night ride on Mystic Timbers and maybe Diamond Back. However, all the rides were closed. I asked the worker at the line for Mystic Timbers and he said he didn't know why. We walked back towards Banshee to get our bag out our locker and it was clear all rides were closed, even indoor rides like Boo Blasters. Still no announcement was made over the park speakers. The weather was slightly over cast, and there was a slight sprinkle around 8 pm, but I have been there when weather causes a shutdown. They announce it immediately.

On the way out, we passed a lot of people that were sitting on the pavement between the entrance and the fountain, waiting for the fireworks. Still no announcement on anything. I stopped at guest services to ask them what happened and they said they didn't know, and they didn't even know who I could contact tomorrow to ask about it.

10:15 pm, no fireworks, people still waiting, no announcement. We left. I know it was only 20 minutes early, but it was just weird, and no one that worked there seemed to know why.

Apparently someone discovered a suspicious item outside the park, after which the local police asked the park to close:

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