Kings Island 2007 Passes - Gold and Parking

I contributed this to news, but until that shows up:

Kings Island released the following press release:

Bascially the Gold Pass is back with just about all the same perks we have come to expect. Additionally not only are all new passes automatically upgraded to gold, the press release indicated they are retroactively making all 2007 season passes that have already been purchased Gold.

Of more interest - the release also stated the parking passes will not be window decals, instead parking will be applied directly to the season pass and scanned at the toll plaza.

David Bowers
Mayor, Coasterville
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Lord Gonchar's avatar
So do Maxx Pass holders get the gold perks at PKI?

"All previously sold 2007 passes have been upgraded to Gold."

I believe they do.

Is the only difference between the MAXX Passes and the MAXX PLUS Passes the addition of the water parks to the pass itself?

Trying to navigate these Season Pass matters anymore requires a Higher Education in Amusement Park Administration. . .

Barry J.

Lord Gonchar's avatar
Yes and yes, Barry.

I find it humorous that all the passes purchased up until MAY 27th will be upgraded to gold passes.

That pretty much made the uniqueness of the gold pass null and void.

Essentially, anyone that has a season pass can take advantage of the perks while people that are there for a day or two get to walk a greater distance and wait longer. Sounds like a good plan, make a person that's most likely to spend more money in the park in those two days unhappy and satisfy someone who's most likely coming often and trying to skimp on purchases because they're there so much.

Reminds me of the Joe Cool Club and the gate attendants not even checking for it.

sws's avatar
So if you have already bought a Maxx Pass at a Cedar Fair park other than Kings Island, do you still get the Gold pass perks at KI? That seemed a little sketchy in the news release and website.
My guess is that they haven't the slightest idea yet. :)

(that's sort of to be expected with Cedar Fair. They do a great job with getting the basic idea worked out, but they never manage to consider all of the exceptions...)

--Dave Althoff, Jr.

I would assume not. The paramount parks never cross-promoted gold vip privileges before, why start now? I had a Platinum pass at PCar, but it got me admission and a smile at PKI---and nuttin' else.

Jason Hammond's avatar
Your pass will still indicate which park it was purchaced at. I'd assume that only passes bought at KI would work.

884 Coasters, 34 States, 7 Countries My YouTube

Super Loopy said:
I find it humorous that all the passes purchased up until MAY 27th will be upgraded to gold passes.

That pretty much made the uniqueness of the gold pass null and void.

Essentially, anyone that has a season pass can take advantage of the perks while people that are there for a day or two get to walk a greater distance and wait longer. Sounds like a good plan, make a person that's most likely to spend more money in the park in those two days unhappy and satisfy someone who's most likely coming often and trying to skimp on purchases because they're there so much.

Hmm.. sounds more to me like a way to reward your loyal fan base that has ALREADY forked over the cash before they had to with an unexpected surprise, as well as give an incentive for other people to fork over the cash now (or any time before May 27th). I may be assuming too much here, but I would guess that if I bought a season pass after May 28th, I'd be walking the greater distance and waiting longer.

Makes sense to me, of course I always try to look at the bigger picture and how it affects all parties instead of focusing on just -ME- (or trying to pretend to think like I'm a family, but with my current single-mid-twenties-male frame of thinking)

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