Kingda Ka Speed question

I think He meant that he has 692 Jumps not that he went 692 mph.
Hey thanks for the NASA website thing that was helpful. what I typed is what I Have been told terminal velocity was and have never heard different so thanks for the feed back.

on Another note has Cedar Fair annouced anything new for Worlds of Fun in 2005

Mamoosh's avatar
Yes, Tony. WoF is getting an interactive kid's play area and a new campground. No new rides next year, but remember they got a new coaster this year.
Hey mooshie, whats SFMM getting? Thats the real question;).
Mamoosh's avatar
Hopefully enough money to operate all their rides at full capacity. That, alone, would be a godsend.

rollergator's avatar
Godsend? Don't you mean MIRACLE?

They'd probably spend the money buying yet ANOTHER unnecessary coaster addition (B&M Flyer?)...;)

Imagine people *complainging* about more coasters, on a COASTER site no less...

Yes Bill, and only you would do that. I do agree that they need, really need to get all the SF Parks up and running their rides consistantly. Yet, I am a coaster pig and still would never turn even a beemer down.

An Old Coaster fart that refuses to grow old, I just wish many of my friends could have as well!

I believe the terminal veolocity equation involves...

A) Density of object
B) Cross section of object falling (much more area if you're spread laying down than in pencil position while skydiving)

... and I believe that is it... I'm not sure, my physics classes didn't entirely go too deep into that.

Shocks... pegs... lucky! .... you ever take it off any sweet jumps?

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