Kentucky Fried Kingdom 6/2-"The After Party"

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Tom and I awoke pretty early Sunday morning as we wanted to get a jump on breaking down camp and get on the road to SFKK before the heat set in. We were on the road by 10 am, and on our way. Tired, but on our way.

I had been to SFKK for the first time early this spring, and honestly couldn't see why the park got knocked so much. I had a really good time and enjoyed most of the rides: Thunder Run, the Twins, Chang and Hellevator. I knew that stopping after SRM would be a bit of a let down, so I went in not expecting too much.

The park was fairly crowded, but luckily most of the people appeared to be in the water park. We found our way across the bridge and headed over to Chang.

I really liked Chang on my first trip, and still do. It's powerful, fast, and I've never really experienced any "roughness" on it. There was about a 25 minute wait, as the park was only operating one train and Stand-Ups generaly tend to have loading problems.

After Chang we headed over for a spin on T2. This was the coaster that I really disliked on my previous visit, and I still do. I just really don't have anything positive to say about it, except that it distracts people from getting in line for the rides I do like.

Continuing on, we next came to Twisted Twins. I was pretty bummed when I saw that Lolla wasn't running, as the point of this stop was for Tom to be able to hop on all the coasters and for me to finally get a spin in on Lolla. Stella was pretty much what I remebered from the spring: a fun little twister with some nice pops of air and good laterals. The ops told us that Lolla had been running earlier in the day, and would reopen later if "the rest of the crew shows up for work." I thought it was pretty odd that they didn't say "when," but "if." Oh well, this is why we started to call it Kentucky "Fried" Kingdom.

Heading back to the rides, we stopped off at Thunder Run. Thunder Run was running great earlier in the year, and was absolutely stellar on Sunday. Major air on the three bunny hills after the turn. Easily the best ride at the park.

By this time it was about 2 pm local time, and we had hit the majority of the rides we wanted. Tom didn't feel the need to get Roller Skater for his count, so we debated what we should do. Stay for Lolla, or proceed home? It was really hot and humid, and we were feeling less than inspired at the park. It wasn't that it was a bad day, it was just very blah. Being junkies, we opted to stick it out.

We got a lemonade, more rides on Stella and Thunder Run, and just tried to stay in the shade. We had given up at about 4pm, and were about to head home when we saw a pink train go by. Lolla finally opened.

After a quick back seat and front seat ride on Lolla and a spin on Roadrunner, we bid farewell to SFKK, and were on our way to Chicago.

Highlight of the day: While walking down the steps from the Twins, Tom said: "Hey look, there's a turd on the track." I thought he was crazy, but sure enough between the break run and the station there was what appeared to be a pile of poo on Stella's track. Did anyone else notice this? Was it really poo, or something else that looked like poo? We'll post some picture of it when we get a chance.

Runner - up: While coming up to the station on Lolla, we were heading to the front for our final ride of the day. There was a group of kids that were just sort of hanging out, and we weren't able to tell which lines they were waiting on. I asked one of the kids if they were waiting for the front seat, and he looked at me like I was the stupidest person he had ever encountered while pointing at the second seat and disgustedly saying "yeah." Awesome...Kentucky Fried Kingdom.

"He's blazin' away like the stars in the universe.." A. Vega + M. Rev "Ghostrider"

Someday there will be something here.

*** This post was edited by chris on 6/4/2002. ***

Nice TR......

"and he looked at me like I was the stupidest person he had ever encountered while pointing at the second seat and disgustedly saying "yeah." "

Im kinda eager, as to what you said in response? LOL

Dayuum, Your HOT!

We just shrugged our shoulders, laughed, and said "ok." What else could we do? :)

"He's blazin' away like the stars in the universe.." A. Vega + M. Rev "Ghostrider"

Someday there will be something here.

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