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I took my first trip to Kennywood this year, Friday May 10th and had a really great time. All the rides were up and running really great. Still no 2 train opperation of Phantom's Revenge yet, which was really dissipointing, since there was about an hour and a half wait. I thought for sure they would have two trains running by this year and the trims seem to be doing their job really good, since the train now stops before it gets into the station. The ride, though, itself is still one of the best out there, and the trim breaks towards the end of the ride had no noticable effect on the incredible airtime. The airtime actually to me seemed a little stronger than it had last year, go figure. Still, the first and 2nd drops are 2 of the best drops on any coaster. A new retaining wall was built in the portion of the ride where it goes under the Thunderbolt for a second time, and it is really close to be considered a tunnel. All they would have to do is cover the top with some sort of material. The Thunderbolt was also running very well, and it is still one of the most fun rides out there. The lateral G's seemed stronger than normal and it was a blast. The Racer gave a good ride also, but the trains weren't as ligned up as they usually are, so it was obvious that my train was going to lose the race. It was behind from the begining. The Jack Rabbit's double dip was as good as ever, and I still wonder why they have that leather strap, it isn't doing a thing. The Exterminator seemed to be spinning much more than it had last year but the trim breaks on it weren't turned on as much it seemed, which made it less jerky in spots. Overall, a great experience and the lines were all tollerable, except for PR, but that should be corrected soon enough once 2 train opperation begins.
*** This post was edited by KPGuy on 5/11/2002. ***
What did you think of Jack Rabbit's two train operation? Did it seem to run smoothly to you? I ask because I was working the ride that day you went.
Coasterman Mike
Now, a card carrying member of ACE.
Total rides on Pittfall: 255
Total rides on Superman:UE : 633
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