Kennywood announces Black Window as Pitfall replacement

Posted | Contributed by eightdotthree

Kennywood has announced that it will replace its Pittfall drop tower ride with a rotating pendulum ride from Zamperla called Black Widow.

Read more from The Post-Gazette.

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Without checking, I believe it's called Ghostwood Estate. Although I'm not a big fan of interactive shooting rides, that was probably my favorite. I rode in '09.

The amusement park rises bold and are huddled on the beach in a mist

^Right-o. My only problem with Ghostwood (and most interactive/shooter rides for that matter) is that they go through all the trouble of creating elaborate scenery, only to cover everything (everything) with glowing neon targets and triggers. If you're playing to win, you barely notice the sets because your eyes spend the whole ride jumping instantly from target to target. The surroundings may as well be bare white walls.

That's more a criticism of the genre than of Ghostwood specifically - within said genre it's one of the better ones I'd say. Definitely better than the bizarre chocolate-candy-extreme-sports thing over at Hershey, and as dark rides go, far better than Neon Barf-ield's Old Mill Desecration Experience (I may have the name wrong) over on the other side of the 'wood.


There's been several times when I didn't bother shooting and just enjoyed the ride. Sometimes I'll ride twice, once shooting, once not doing so. Ghostwood was actually the best I ever did on the shooting side...I've never been very good with shooting skill games. I preferred pinball and Pac-Man.

Speaking of which, I'm thinking of taking a ride down to the Silverball Museum in Asbury Park Friday..I get off work early.

The amusement park rises bold and are huddled on the beach in a mist

birdhombre's avatar

I'm absolutely horrible with the Sally shooting rides. Like, abysmal. There's obviously something I'm not 'getting', because I aim the gun directly at the target, pull the trigger, and nothing -- even ones that are straight ahead, not off to the side. And the times I *do* hit the target, I don't seem to be doing anything differently. Meanwhile my friends are racking up the points. Sometimes it's just a bad gun and I'll switch to another one, but that doesn't always help.

I'd almost like to practice with a target while standing still, just to get an idea of exactly which part of the gun needs to line up where to get a hit.

janfrederick's avatar

I think Disney does the shooters the best.

"I go out at 3 o' clock for a quart of milk and come home to my son treating his body like an amusement park!" - Estelle Costanza
Carrie J.'s avatar

RCMAC said:
Old Mills were originally intended as a dark, tranquil rides with beautiful or mysterious scenes that would light up to amuse or startle the passengers out of their canoodling. (Have we used that one in a while?)

Ah, canoodling.... Kennywood should totally bring back the canoodling. ;)

I would have jumped on board with the Garfield's Nightmare bash as I'm not a fan either, but I decided to shut up after it was pointed out that ridership is higher than the other themes ever had. That speaks larger volumes than any individual opinions.

I'm excited about this addition. I love a Frisbee. :-) And incidentally, I'm kind of surprised to read so many being upset about Pitfall. It never seemed to have a line when I visited....granted, I usually attend on one of the lightest crowd days, so what do I know. ;)

"If passion drives you, let reason hold the reins." --- Benjamin Franklin

Lord Gonchar's avatar

Carrie J. said:
I would have jumped on board with the Garfield's Nightmare bash as I'm not a fan either, but I decided to shut up after it was pointed out that ridership is higher than the other themes ever had. That speaks larger volumes than any individual opinions.

And it shows how far off the mark the users of niche forums such as this one can be with their opinions.

Face it, Garfield is almost universally hated among enthusiasts and those frequenting enthusiast-type forums, sites and boards.

I think this is a perfect example of how we use the term "GP" and talk about how it's not our opinions that matter, it's how the "GP" perceives things.

Me? I'm indifferent. It was kind of stupid before and it's kind of stupid now. It's a wash. With that said, we used to ride the Old Mill every time we visited Kennywood and we still ride Garfield every time we visit.

Carrie J.'s avatar

So what have we learned from this? That the Gonchar family rides stupid rides....consistently and without bias.


Last edited by Carrie J.,

"If passion drives you, let reason hold the reins." --- Benjamin Franklin

Lord Gonchar's avatar

Oh, I'm not too big to admit that I'm a huge fan of stupid.

And I really hope my wife and I are effectively passing that nonpretentiousness on to the kids.

Last edited by Lord Gonchar,
Carrie J.'s avatar

I miss you, Gonch.

"If passion drives you, let reason hold the reins." --- Benjamin Franklin

Lord Gonchar's avatar


or should that be :( ?

Carrie J.'s avatar

Yes. Or perhaps no? ;)

(And before anyone else gets there... Or Maverick. Or Fahrenheit. :))

"If passion drives you, let reason hold the reins." --- Benjamin Franklin

birdhombre's avatar

Lord Gonchar said:
Oh, I'm not too big to admit that I'm a huge fan of stupid.

But what's your opinion of dopiness? Specifically with regard to turtle shows?

Lord Gonchar's avatar

I like dopey.

I like turtles.

I like shows.

I like Dopey Turtle Shows.

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rollergator's avatar - your online source for Dopey Turtle Shows...and stuff. :)

kpjb's avatar

...and cups


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