Kennywood 8/28/01: Enthusiast in Training

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Yesterday I took what was probably my last trip of the year to an amusement park. My 8 (going on 9) year old nephew is in town so I asked him if he would like to come with me. "FOR REAL !! You bet !! " As a slightly different take on the trip review format, I am going to give you his impressions of the park and rides instead of mine.

Almost cancelled the trip due to late afternoon downpours but it cleared up at the last minute and we went anyway. Arrived at the park right at opening (5:00). walked right in, through the tunnel and straight on to the 2nd train of the day of the Jack Rabbit. He wanted the front seat and we got it. He really likes this ride, the jump gets him everytime but he does think that the rest of the hills are too small.

Next to the Racer. Once again, no wait at all. Rode in the blue train. He likes the speed and turns on this better then Jack Rabbit and it didn't hurt that we won the race at the last minute. The air on the final drop caught him (and me) off guard.

Next we circled all the way over to Thunderbolt. Last year he wasn't able to ride this because he was too small. This year, no problem. There was no wait. Back seat. He loved the turns and how it throws you into the other rider. He really thought he was going to hit his head on the PR when you under in on the next to last drop. But in general he thought this ride was way too rough. It gave him a headache. I think this was mostly due to his size. He really got tossed around.

Next we hit Phantom's Revenge. He surprised me with how much he knows about coasters. His home park is Busch Gardens Williamsburg and he has rode all of the coasters except Alpengeist. He asked me how tall the biggest hill on PR was, I told him 235 ft. He then told me that this was 25 feet taller then Apollos Chariot. Then he told me how he likes the back seat better because it throws you out more when you go over the hills. This was the only true "wait" of the day at about 20 minutes. Most of this was due to the 1 train operation which my nephew quizzed me about endlessly. "Why?" "When?" "Brakes?" We rode in the next to the last row, he loved every second. The first drop was wicked in the back, feels like you are going to fly out of your seat right into Lost kennywood. There was a dime on the floor in our row, we could hear it bouncing around the entire time. Afterwards, I found it for him so he could keep it as a souvenir - kids are so easy to please. We also rode one more time at night in the second row. Back seat was much better according to my nephew. especially the first hill.

Then we hit Pit Fall. No wait. Imagine that? I was shocked that he wanted to go on this. After we got off, he kept telling me that his feet were over his head on the way down.

Then we grabbed some fries with cheese, and chicken fingers at Small Fry. He even made a comment about how big the small drink was for $1.30. "At Busch Gardens, this would be like $3.00."

Then we hit a few flat rides: Pirate ship which he calls Battering Ram (the name at BGW) and the Bayern Curve (incredibly intense), Paratroopers (always one of my favorites for the lights, he loves it too though he was upset that we got the pink car. Then we hit Aero 360, which me and him both agreed has the coolest logo in the park. We rode on one of the outside seats, my first time, no wait once again. I thought he would be scared out of his mind but nothing seems to bother him. He loved and he asked if we could ride it again at night. He thought the park would look really cool upside with all the lights on. It did !!

Then we played about $15 in pong pool because we wanted to win some Pokemon (sp?) stuffed animal. This game is impossible. in fact, even the Fish Pond was impossible. We also hit Noahs Ark.

Then I got to experience a very rare occurence. A non-spinning trip on the Exterminator. How odd. Anyone ever experience this before?

We looked everywhere for a PR t-shirt for my nephew but they didn't have anything in his size. But we did get a very cool souvenir up on the way out of the park for only 50 cents!!

"Looks like you've been missing quite a bit of work lately"
"Well, I wouldn't say I've been MISSING it, Bob."

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