Kennywood / Conneaut Lake 10/30-31

Arrived at Kennywood at 630 to major crowds. Managed to get on the second train of SKYrocket. This ride is FANTASTIC! I love the rolling launch. 9/10. Off to the Racers, we lost, but its a 10/10 under the evil red lights. Then across the park to the walk through inside Raging Rapids, and Noah's Ark, which was 10 times better than summertime Ark.

Back across the park again, had some great piroghies and apple cobbler at the catering dept's stand next to the carousel. Walked back through the clown area, and the western area next to Lord Ghostwood. The Phantom's Revenge packed some good airtime in the second row, 10/10. Took a stroll through Gorey Park, then 2 trips on a very smooth Thunderbolt, with a very efficient crew, 10/10.

Did the scary zone across from the grand prix, then another ride, now in darknenss on SKYrocket., 9.5/10. What a smooth ride with the lapbars. Captain Scully's was a walk on, then back to the Racers, lost again, but probably is the 'fun-est' to ride woodie out their. Then a ride on Jack Rabbit, 9/10, and the fog filled valley should be on all summer.

Total 5 coasters, 3 scar zones, 3 walk through, and some great apple cobbler. 9/10.

Next day, the drive to Conneaut Lake. Arrived early, did the walk through, and had 'business chat; with the team that rennovated the Blue Streak. Took an early ride, and was amazed. Did some more walking, and got a drink at the Hotel Conneaut. Not sure when the last time I was in the former Naughty Nineties Lounge, either 1991, or 1997.

Next, went to the Beach Club, had another beverage, and a great sausage sandwich. There were a few stands open by the lake, and also along the midway by the Blue Streak. There was a light cold steady rain, but there actually were a decent amount of people in the Ghost Lake haunts. We passed, since I did Ghost Lake a few years back, and it was great. I did opt for buying several more rides on the Blue Streak, to spread the money out, and enjoyed every ride in the rain. The front seat is packed with airtime, and the back seat was NOT rough at all. Very exhilarating like when I operated the coaster in 1991.

Seeing the NAD trains running again brings back memories, and it was great seeing a line for the ride. I hope word gets out, and people travel to the park to ride this great coaster next summer. Conneaut gets a 9/10. Next time I will do Ghost Lake also, promise.

Overall western PA trip, 6 woodies to boot, 9/10.

delan's avatar

Love your TR's. . . . . short and to the point. No Jack Rabbit?

I did. The last line in the Kennywood section. Loved the fog valley.

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