KennyKon Memories

Associated parks:

This was my first riding ACE event. I had the best time. Coasterman Mike and I arrived at Kennywood at about 8:45. We hung out and met up with our group. When we headed into the park we went to the Racer first, we got a double ride on that. We then went to the Jack Rabbit. After that ERT was over we went to the Phantom's Revenge. I rode in the second to last car and back seat, not such a good ride by my standards. But for my back to recover I thought to wait for the front. I was worth it! It has now restored my faith in the ride. I met up with my group, after my 45 minute wait, at the pit fall.

By then the GP had been let in. We then went to exterminator and rode it twice. Three girls screaming their lungs out with one guy covering his ears, twice.

This was followed by enjoyable rides on the Jack Rabbit and Racer, and the Thunderbolt. And the other easy rides, whip and Old Mill. I learned how to 'hump the turtle.' That is a great game. Enjoyed some Potatoe Patch fries, what would a trip to Kennywood be with out them. The food that the ACE people got was fabulous. They had baby back ribs and grilled chicken and ziti/rigatoni (sp?). The fruit salad was so good. At about 9:15 we met up with our friend Tim. Mike had decided to stay at the employee party so Tim and his friend Dan took me home.

Besides waiting in line and hearing 'The middle' then having the song stuck in my head the rest of the day, even now, I had the best time. I definitly thought it was worth the 30 bucks.

Favorite Joke: Meeting Kenny the Kangaroo.

I had him sit down and then lie down. A person in our group said, "Oh my god they killed Kenny!"

Another said, "Those b*******!"

--Kenny just shook his head. I wonder if they were laughing?

Going to Leap the Dips tomorrow.


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