KBF 2/9...now my second fav!!

Associated parks:

My Job sent me to Santa Ana for CATIA training and I had no trouble convincing my three other co-workers (who are very much aware of my
coaster enthusiasm) to go to ride some coasters. I had a little toss up between the Mouse, Knotts and Magic Mountain. I then remembered ((Begin flashback sequence)) Magic Mountain, 1/4...Riddler, X, Ninja, Batman, DejaVu were closed ((/end Flashback sequence)) .

And there we were, driving up on Beach Avenue (Like the Mouse really had a chance ;) with Supreme Scream and Xcelerator looming in the distance, whilst Tupac's newest release playing in the background...good times, good times! We found a parking spot on Cresent Ave and got the tickets and made a mad dash for Xcelerator. I thought there was going to be a line, being sunday and all. But I guess the Buena Park natives were at church. I waited all of 15 minutes. This is now my favorite launched ride. that 0-85 was total rush. We rode again, this time in the front. Man, the visuals! 10/10

Our next ride was Supreme Scream. It was cool....surprising that even my co-workers thought this was tamer than Drop Zone at PGA...I agreed. 8/10

Next was Jag...Nice theming. I can't imagine that queue being full though. It was hella long.....and cold. It was an ok ride. Long straight sections of track...I kept thinking how cool it would be to add a hill here and there. 6/10

Next was Montezooma's Revenge....very similar to Greased lightning. I heard there is a difference...I can't tell. The station was a riot of colors. Knotts done emptied the paint set on this one. 8/10

Next was the star of the show. I heard so much about this wooded wonder and I was horny with anticipation. Two of my punk co-workers decided to sit this one out. They were a tad shaken up by Monty...lucky for them. There was no line at all for this ride. I was awed by the theming, the smell of the wood and oil and the sound of the PTCs as it scurried up the lift hill.....good times, good times.

This ride was the most violent wooden coaster I've ridden to date. Come to think of it, this my second CCI ever....damn shame. My favorite section was the drop after the midcourse. That drop took my completely off guard. And the helix.....good grief...I was thankful for the seat dividers. Definite 10/10.

Next we went to Mrs Knotts Chicken Dinner restaurant. Word has it that this has the best fried chicken. My co-workers were making fun of me with the stereotype that all minorites like fried chicken , collard greens and grits......a- tee hee!! Anyway, we then re-entered the park, and walked around a bit. I have never been so impressed with a park since Busch Gardens. This place was muy bonita.

As we were on the boardwalk we couldn't miss the huge water contraption that was Perilous Plunge. That drop looked awesome. We decided to skip that one since it was about 60, we were in jeans, and I didnt want to mess up my gear (there were alotta hot mamichulaz around) But after watching a few cylces we couldn't resist. This rise is now my favorite water ride of all time. The drop was awesome, the splash was off the chain, and I was impressed at the braking system...way to go Premier!!. 10/10

We had time for one more ride. It was between Xcel.. or Ghostrider. That was a big dilemma.

So there we were back again in the with the smell of the wood and oil and the sound of the PTCs ............

Loved this park!!!!

Welcome to Planet Nupe!
*** This post was edited by Antuan 2/16/2003 1:52:16 AM ***

Why you write "way to go premier" after the Perilous Plunge? Intamin built it, in case you didnt know. Also you should of rode it BEFORE the 4 pt. harnesses, now that was a HELLA of a ride, but now it's ok, the drop doesnt even seem half as bad now as it did without the 4 pt. harnesses. ;-)
Nice TR. We hit the park for the first time a few weeks ago and loved it as well. Their water flume ride was really good too as was the Calico Mine train. Wish KBF was closer to home (Michigan)! Oh well, I guess we'll have to *settle* with CP :)
Oh that was an Intamin huh....shoulda known. You learn everyday!

Welcome to Planet Nupe!

Glad to hear you had a great time. From what I've encountered and seen, the park is slowly getting back to its good old self.

Knotts went overboard with Montezumma's Revenge's Station. Poor paint quality too. Not only is it easily peeled off, it peels off on its own in sheets.

The difference between Greased Lightning and Monte are in the launch system. Greased uses a weight drop, while Monte uses a flywheel. The flywheels are supposedly better.

Ghostrider rocks. Its ashame CCI is out of business.

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