Just wondering... (Nashville?)

Just wondering if Nashville Tennessee was to get a new amusement park, would any of you come? Cleary the counsel doesn't recognized that we've been needing an amusement park since Opryland closed. It sounds like we're getting closed to getting one though.
Ohhh, this isn't the topic I was expecting. I thought this was going to be about Moosh being engaged to Dawn Marie and you were curious if the wedding was still on. More descriptive titles, eh? ;)


My son and I just came throught Nashville on our way home from SFOG and we're talking about how it would be a good place to have a Theme park, so yes, at least once a year.
If Nashville were to "get" a park, sure I'd go. It's only a little more than an hour away from me and that alone is reason for trying out a park. :)

This ain't no book you can close, when the big light hits your eyes. Cropduster-Riot Act-Pearl Jam
Of course I'd go since I live here in NashVegas. More than likely I'd have a season pass too. I think the real question is about the themeing. Would you like to see Opryland Part II with music genres/styles setting the tone for the different "lands" OR something completely different?

I survived a Japanese typhoon and the Togo flat ride of death!!!!!!
That would be ok, but some areas of the park would really annoy me. There are just certain genres that the masses love, but I can't stand.

Jigga0687 - Nice name, by the way. You're question is just kind of bad. Sure, people will check it out, but whether or not a Nashville amusement park would be a hit, would be determined by the quality of it. If someone did a good job and put together some quality attractions, sure, it would be a success. The population and draw from the surrounding area is there.

Down is the new up.
Gaylord Entertainment, I believe will build a new theme park near Opryland in Nashville very soon. They said it was a big mistake closing it in the first place, and they have bought land in Nashville already, so lets cross our fingers.

Pardon our dust...Signature is building for your future enjoyment!

I would love to have a park down there. I already drive down for the cma music festival every year.


Death to Gaylord.

I survived a Japanese typhoon and the Togo flat ride of death!!!!!!
I hope Metro realizes if they did build here, they'd need to put enough money in the park to begin with, to make it worth visiting from other states, and not build some tiny park with mainly a bunch of country music crap and a used corkscrew, and still get the park visitor #'s they were planning on. Surely they'd build at least one or two decent sized coasters. And naturally it needs to be well run.
But if the people around here are pleased with SFKK, they way it's run, and the distance, it wouldn't an extreme amount to please them.

I would personally like to see a BGW type park here. :)

The question is what theme park company, besides Themeparks LLC, would be willing to build a new park here? That's considering Themeparks hasn't gotten a bad taste in their mouth from the area. Who even builds new parks anymore? Though maybe there just hasn't been had a location this prime in a long time?

CoastermanX, are you not the person/group planning to buy out Gaylord, and Opry Mills and it's land from the Mills Corp, and build Opryland 2 there Spring 2007?

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