The good animatronic dinosaurs were "wasted" in the outdoor parts of the ride. This is done by necessity, of course, but still means that the opportunities for fright go underutilized.
Jeff - Editor - - My Blog
My opinion is biased, because I was employed at the ride for 6 months.
I rode the thing at least 5 times a week, and every time I did, I still jumped at some of the surprises. A lot of kids and some adults were scared to ride at first, but after one ride they wanted to do it again and again.
I respectfully disagree with Mr. Stich about the drop not being frightening. It is long and steep, in the dark. A lot of park guests scream on the way down. Brace youself at the splashdown or else you will be violently forced into the lapbar padding.
I got paid for sitting and watching the boat go over the big drop. Sometimes when we were not busy, I got an empty boat. This allowed me to focus on the actions of the T-Rex instead of riders. She is one scary monster. Each time she came out I got goosebumps. It never got old for me.
It's a GREAT ride-Don't miss it.
The drop, I thought, was unexpected, and very steep, and scary for some. However, no one really noticed the T-Rex. My Brother was very scared on it, and he's in fifth grade. Many others were too, including a college age student, right next to me.
Annual Passholder Disney AND Univeral!
That part when the fog was there was incredible. When he came out right before you went down was just .... speachless. If the fog is there then you will be frightened.
Shoewee said:
One time I rode it and there were no lights on the T-Rex until you got right to the hump and the lights turned on. That was freaky! Overall the T-Rex is the best dinosaur I've ever seen portrayed!Shoewee
ive never ridden the one at IOA, but from what I remember of the one at USH, they always turned the lights on the t-rex right at the end as he came thru the waterfall
...and such
CPcyclone said:
I found this ride to be more amusing than scary. Countdown to Extinction, err, Dinosaur at Disney's Animal Kingdom is much more scary. That is the better dino ride of the two in my opinion. It's also more realistic than the Jurassic Park ride.
I guess I am to old for this ride it was a nice ride just that it did look more amusing than scary.
Of the water rides at IOA I say it rates below Ripsaw and Popeye. With Ripsaw you've got a wacky ride with plenty of drops and surprises and on Popeye you've got a ride that's so evil in how much it soaks you that you can't help but laugh (even if it was 50ºF).
It's a great ride, with an excellent drop, but I definitely don't think it's anywhere near its potential.
"On the moon nerds get their pants pulled down and spanked with moonrocks."
CtCF, I haven't had experienced that water pipe "on", but I know from Dudley and Bilge Rats that the water rides at IoA do seem to have some variability in terms of wetness...right dawn? ;)
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