Joyland ownership: Deal closes in January

Posted | Contributed by supermandl

The operators of the troubled Joyland Amusement Park say they are close to purchasing the park from its longtime owners. Michael Moodenbaugh said he exercised an option to buy out park owner Stanley and Margaret Nelson in early December. He expects the deal to close in early January. He also indicated he would not buy Libertyland.

Read more from The Wichita Eagle.

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john peck's avatar
Good to hear he's not picking up Libertyland. He'll have enough on his plate with Joyland again next year. He needs to put all the effort he can into bringing that park back. 2006 wasen't the best season for them. It'll take some more time.

Did the Roller Coaster ever reopen?

No The Nightmare never did reopen, although it was reported a few employees were given a spin or two on it.

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