Joe Cool Ripoff and other CP Stuff

A couple of weeks ago, I was at Cedar Point and I got there in time for the ERT. The Joe Cool ERT is for season pass holders with the Joe Cool membership and for guests of the hotels. While in line during the ERT, I talked to a woman who lives in Sandusky and who has a season pass to CP. I asked how often she went to the Joe Cool ERT and she replied that she didn't do the ERT often because she sisn't have the Joe Cool benefits. I asked her how she and her kids got in line and she said they got in line when the ride attendant didn't check her pass. She was not a guest of any of the motels. I was never asked to show my pass at the entrance to MillenniumForce or Raptor(which was running that morning in place of Wicked Twister). My question is what good was it for me to pay the extra $15 if Cedar Point is going to let people who aren't in the Joe Cool club or who aren't guests of the motels join in the ERT? I have the Gold Pass for Paramount and I have never witnessed this type of thing occuring at PKI. They always ask to see my pass there. I know this will likely be closed as it seems that people simply turn and look the other way when Cedar Point messes up. Wicked Twister was down again tonight(6-26-02). If any other park had this many problems with a new ride, the park management would be crucified on this website and the general concensus would be that comments about the park would be justified. It is funny how people react when Cedar Point messes up, they turn their heads and look the other way, but if Paramount or Six Flags messes up those parks get nailed to the cross. Jeff already has Guide to the Point. He doesn't need to make Coasterbuzz into a Valentine to Cedar Point. One other thing, my comments on Arrow and Camden were closed. It is not okay to speculate on things like that, but if Cedar Point pours a few footers, the discussions are endless.
Uh, the last time I checked, X still isn't operating, even though it opened for a brief time. I haven't been hearing people freaking out because it hasn't been operating...maybe the occasional complaint, but nothing extreme...

What I don't get is why are there people (I'm not just picking on you Intamin Guy) constantly, bickering over how Jeff runs this site? Do you pay the thousands of dollars it takes to keep this site running? I would find it pretty amusing if he just shut the site down for a week to make some of you people quit your *****ing.

Intamin Guy,

Yes, Cedar Point did screw up... And I have seen several people turned away because they did not have joe cool club benefits. Here is my take..

(1) It was worth the $15 to me the first time I got the "ERT". I rode on WT 5 times in a row and then hit MF.

(2) Joe cool is worth more then the ERT. The $15 has already been saved in food discounts.

(3) You paid to get in early... this does not mean that the joe cool was a rip-off. It means those who snuck in are Stealing from the park and from those who paid.

(4) Be grateful for what you got... Life is to short to worry about things such as this.

Also, you had a decent topic.. why did you have to ruin it by stating, "I know this will likely be closed as it seems that people simply turn and look the other way when Cedar Point messes up." This is not true... The biggest Cp fans are the harshest critics.

I am not sure what specualtion you had on Arrow and Camden you had... but speculation without representation is not usually allowed on this board. The CP footers thread has some validity to it.. As does the SFWOA Track sighting thread (notice Six Flags).

And yes, once again.. Cedar Point did screw up... I admit it. I hope this makes someone feel better.

CoasterBuzzCon - not just an event, more like an adventure...

Yes, Cedar Point messed up. What I can't figure out is why weren't they checking the passes that day? I got on WT on opening day without a wait, but I do think CP needs to be more careful during ERT, it seems so unlike CP to let this happen. My Camden and Arrow specualtion has validity to it because 1. I mentioned the support beams missing and the dividers inthe waiting area being taken down. 2. Arrow has filed for bankruptcy protection and there is still talk going thorugh the industry abouArrow's uncertain future. My source on Arrow's demise came from a 60 year old man who, to the best of my knowledge doesn't keep up with the industry like we do. He has proven to provide valid information in the past, so I have no reason not to believe him. I just do not want anyone to think that I making this up, I am very worried about Arrow and I hope that a park will order a major Arrow coaster soon. The economy isn't that great and with Arrow not building many big rides in recent years, the demise of the company could be a real possibility. Like I said Camden has money to fix theThunderbolt Express, but they are not doing so. Instead, there are signs of the ride being dismantled and it isn't on the park map anymore. With talk of Arrow's uncertain future and theTE having support beams removed from the ride, I believe there is a valid reason to speculate that Arrow may be on its last legs. I hope a park will step forward and rescue Arrow. I would love to see more suspendeds and mine trains.

They were checking passes and tickets opening day to get into line, That has changed since, don't know why. Once someone is in the park they can have full access to the ERT now, that includes employee's who can get in anytime.

The ERT isn't exactly great anymore since the end of May. The line for Millennium Force is actually around 30-45 minutes on a weekday, and this is "ERT." The large line could be attributed to what I-Guy is talking about. Also Wicked Twister has been running 1/8 times I arrived early. When they know it will be down they will substitute Raptor but sometimes this does not happen.

I vastly preferred the ERT last year were a few days you could get a whole hour on 5 rides instead of a half hour every day on 1 or 2. I logged in probably 40 rides on Millennium Force in the 5 or 6 days of ERT I went to last year for this. This year I went 8 times so far and got 7 rides. A half hour all you can do is get back to the ride and get maybe one ride in of your lucky.

Considering it was free with my combo pass, I would still say it's a good deal . Don Miears (former GM) came up with the original idea for Joe Cool but I don't know if this is the desired result in it's 2nd year. The ERT really is more centered for the resort guest which is a great selling point though. Judging by the usage I say they are reaping the benefits in that department. As for the discounts those are good but most expired in May opposed to last year when they went through the whole year.

Basically I feel the 2001 version was better then this years.

*** This post was edited by Joe E. on 6/27/2002. ***

I've noticed this problem myself. Doesn't seem to be much point to the Joe Cool ERT.
The first time I rode MF a few years back, I "stole" the Joe Cool ERT and didn't even realize it... I didn't even know about it at the time... I got there early and the ride was running, so I got in line. CP really should make you show your pass or hotel key to get the benefits.
Joe E: I should point out that while the original Joe Cool discounts expired in May, they have since been replaced with different discount programs, outlined on Cedar Point's web page.

I generally don't get up early enough to make the JCC ERT anyway...

--Dave Althoff, Jr.

When is the ERT "time" supposed to be? Is this why there were always such amazingly short lines between 930 and 10? (on days it opened at 10 ... )

Whoops. I didn't even know!

Jeff's avatar

Intamin Fan: Really, if you don't like the way the site is run, go the hell away. I can't stand when people like you do nothing but sit around and complain about nonsense like this. If you can't enjoy this free service, go elsewhere and leave us alone.

Why would they check for Joe Cool when no one else can get into the park early? I think you screwed up... not realizing what the gate time was. For example, last Saturday's gate was 9 a.m., Joe Cool entry was 8:30. They've been loading the public on Raptor (which has never been a part of the ERT program unless as an alternate to a closed ride), Millennium Force and Wicked Twister at 9. This isn't a new trend, it's what they do to help ease the lines by knocking out an extra thousand people in the morning.

Joe Cool has worked exactly as advertised every time I've used it.

Jeff - Webmaster/Admin -,
"We used to hate people, now we just make fun of them. It's more effective that way." - KMFDM, "Dogma"

I've never used Joe Cool ERT. How many people do it usually?

-Sean Newman
84 coasters in Track Record!! Hypersonic XLC # 100 in July. Waiting for the 305 foot drop tower in 2003. Thank you PKD.

Jeff, I was told that ERT began at 9:30 the morning I was there. From what I have read so far, other people have had the same problem. I purchased the Joe Cool Club option for my season pass for one reason only and that was for ERT. I have no problem waiting in a long line with resort guests and other Joe Cool club members, but I do not like someone getting in line when they are not supposed to be in line. At CP, the rides open at 10:00am to the public, not 9:30. If CP chooses to open a ride early, so be it, but it shouldn't interfere with the ERT. In other words, if they want to open Magnum and Raptor for guests at 9:30, so be it, but guests who are not in Joe Cool or staying at the resorts should not be permitted to enter the line for Millennium Force and Wicked Twister until 10:00am. If it is that easy to get in line during ERT, I wouldn't have spent the extra $15 for the JCC.
Jeff's avatar

Wrong... Joe Cool has always been marketed as allowing you to "enter the park one-half hour before the gates are opened to the general public." It says NOTHING about when the rides open. Click on any date on CP's operating calendar and you'll see in plain English when the park opens and when you can enter as a Joe Cool Club member.

Don't mistake your lack of understanding for getting ripped off.

Jeff - Webmaster/Admin -,
"We used to hate people, now we just make fun of them. It's more effective that way." - KMFDM, "Dogma"

Jeff said:

Intamin Fan:

Jeff - It's Intamin Guy. Just trying to save you from getting IF's panties in a twist. :)

"drop rides, not bombs."

Wrong Jeff, I got in line for Millennium Force at 9:30 and the woman ahead of me didn't have Joe Cool nor was she a resort guest. She wasn't supposed to enter the park until 9:30, so how could she already be at Millennium Force when she should have just been entering the park. I checked the calender and it said that guests were allowed in at 9:30 that day. At 9:30, that woman should have been entering the park, not in line for MF, but CP messed up. Also, I have been told that ERT for Joe Cool Club members is from 9:30 until 10:00. The park may open at 9:30 for guests, but the calender speciafically states the park begins operating at 10:00am(see hours of operation), the guests are just let in a little bit early. It is common practice for a park to open the gates a little early before the park's opening hour(when the rides begin). If a park post that its hours of operation are from 10:00am to 10:00pm. That is when the rides will be open(unless some type oif group is there for ERT). Jeff shot himself in the foot by telling me to look at the calender. What a weak argument he(Jeff) presented. Just admit CP isn't perfect and the world isn't going to end just because CP messes up like any other park.

Hey Intamin Guy...would you like some cheese with that?

Proud CB club member

Jeff said:
"Intamin Fan: Really, if you don't like the way the site is run, go the hell away.

Is this type of dialect you really want your beloved members to read? Remember Jeff, you stated it yourself that this a member driven site. If that is so, why do you want your members to "go the hell away?" You are biting the hand that feeds you. Without the members, you have nothing. Regardless of how mis-informed some members are, there is no need to respond in such a tone. I have been visiting your site for quite some time, and as you might tell, I rarely post any responses. My reasons are because of smart alec and pompous responses such as yours. I am not telling you how to run your site, mainly because I do not know the first thing. However, I know how to respond to people that is a bit more constructive and appropriate. I also know how to run a business and how to make my customers happy, and it sure is not telling them to "go the hell away." Rememeber your roots, and how your site grew. Don't get to big for your britches. Aside from the constant belittling, your site still provides me with good content and informative news. And that's all I need, so I will choose to be a silent listener.

Oh, I do apologize to you about not directing my previous response to you yourself, instead of the open forum. I will remember that the next time I feel a need to speak my mind.
Jeff's avatar

Lukedog: You seem to misunderstand why I do this. Yes, the site is driven by members... but if they all went away tomorrow, I wouldn't lose anything. Hell, I'd be saving money at that point. If someone has a history of complaining, they're going to get it, if it not from me then someone else.

Bottom line, this "business" isn't about making customers happy, it's about making me happy. If I decide I'm not happy some day, it will go away. 99% of the people who participate aren't interested in debating the ups and downs of my personality.

I-Guy: Other than "what you've been told," you fail to show me any documentation that indicates JCC ERT is to go until 10. The only thing you've proven is that some woman got in line at 9:30 (by your watch) who wasn't in the club.

CP isn't perfect, I certainly don't claim it is. You're still wrong. If you disagree, call the park and ask for your $15 back.

Jeff - Webmaster/Admin -,
"We used to hate people, now we just make fun of them. It's more effective that way." - KMFDM, "Dogma"

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