Jersey Shore Questions

Hey all: Doing some early Con planning and wanted to tap the collective knowledge of the 'Buzz on the day we have planned for the Jersey Shore. Keep in mind, I'm already aware that what we have planned is insane...

The day in question will be a Saturday in June, so I'm expecting good weather, coupled with massive crowds, traffic, and long evening hours at the parks. We will be spending the previous night in either New York City or somewhere nearby. Starting Sat. morning, the plan is to hit every coaster on the shore, along with the interesting flat, dark, and water rides we come across. We will start at Keansburg, proceeding on to Jenkinsons, Casino Pier, Funtown, Steel Pier, Gillian's, Playland, and ending up at Morey's, where we'll be staying the night.

These will all be quick, credit-whore stops: all the coasters and most of the dark rides, the odd flat here and there. Now, the questions:

1. Are we insane? This answer is obvious.

2. Distance wise, it looks easy: 119 miles from Keansburg to Wildwood on the Garden State Parkway, 2 hours total. My main concern is traffic. I imagine the New York to Atlantic City portion will be crowded, what about the Atlantic City to Wildwood part? Any tips on avoiding the traffic?

3. Another concern is parking; is it tough to find parking at these parks? We will probably have 2 cars as well, making parking even more of a headache. Do some of the parks offer free parking, or are they all pay-to-park?

4. Are there any parks in the above list that are just not worth the effort? I had a friend tell me Steel Pier is too much of a hassle, but I want to see Atlantic City and I love spinning mice, so it's still on the agenda, for now.

5. In terms of unique rides, I already know about the Twister, Double Shot and Lusse Skooters at Keansburg, the walk-thru haunted house at Jenkinsons, the Evolution at Casino, the Mixer at Gillians, and the flume and sky ride at Morey's. Is there anything else that sticks in your memory about any of the parks listed?

6. I know that Morey's is probably the "jewel" of the Shore, and we pretty much plan to abandon the above plan if we get bogged down and it looks like we won't have enough time at Wildwood. Is Morey's the best of the shore, and how many hours do you think we will need? I'm figuring on it being open until at least midnight, and possibly later.

7. Any other hints/tips/tricks anyone has will of course be most appreciated.

Mike Miller

Intamin Fan says we have to behave. Let's bring this discussion back to coasters. Do you people think I have all day to dick around?

I was also planning a trip to the Jersey shore. Out of the parks you mentioned I have just been to Wildwood. For Morey's I would would say you need about an hour or two to ride all the coasters and maybe a couple more to do everything.

Edit: Keansburg is really like a ghost town. There is usually nobody there. I have been there twice a while ago when I wasn't a coaster enthusiast so I didn't ride Wildcat. It was open both times and the kiddie wasn't both times.
-Sean Newman
*** This post was edited by SFgadvMAN 2/11/2003 4:22:30 PM ***
*** This post was edited by SFgadvMAN 7/1/2003 4:45:13 PM ***

From what I remember of my last trip to Wildwood, you had to find a lot to park your car in. I don't remember how much they charged. At night, I think on-street parking was out of the question. Morey's is pretty big, so alocate some time.
This is counter culture from the underground eternal revolution this is our sound KMFDM better than the best Megalomaniacal and harder than the rest
Wildwood is the only of those places that I have been to. As far as other rides to check out there, you can't skip the Giant Wheel... it is massive, and you get some incredible views from it. As far as your parking there, it could be a problem depending on how late you are getting there... I don't know for sure, but I'd say after 6pm parking could be difficult to find. Have a great time!
It's definitely going to be tight getting to all those parks on a Saturday in June, especially coming from the north. I've always been able to find free on-street parking at all of the places except for Atlantic City. I think all the casinos charge around $3 so that's no bad anyway. If you're only going for the credits, the meter parking spaces could be an option as well. They love giving tickets at the shore so make sure you're back in time if you park at a meter. Wildwood and Seaside are the easiest to find free on-street parking. Ocean City and Point Pleasant can be a real pain.

Since most people are on the beach during the day, most rides are walk-ons. It's a different story at night, especially at Morey's. Between about 6-10, you can hardly move on the boardwalk. If you're there from 10-midnight, it should clear out.

As someone else already suggested, you should definitely ride the Giant Wheel at Morey's. I'd also recommend the Condor ride there. I'd say you'd need a minimum of 3 hours for Morey's, but it would be better if you had more time than that.

It's time to head home from work now. If I think of anything else, I'll post it tomorrow.

Sue Barry

When i was there this past June, Great White was a walk on all day. So we rode it over and over many times, as you will want to too.
*** This post was edited by SFGAdv lover 2/11/2003 5:01:15 PM ***

1. Are we insane? This answer is obvious.

2. Distance wise, it looks easy: 119 miles from Keansburg to Wildwood on the Garden State Parkway, 2 hours total. My main concern is traffic. I imagine the New York to Atlantic City portion will be crowded, what about the Atlantic City to Wildwood part? Any tips on avoiding the traffic?

3. Another concern is parking; is it tough to find parking at these parks? We will probably have 2 cars as well, making parking even more of a headache. Do some of the parks offer free parking, or are they all pay-to-park?

4. Are there any parks in the above list that are just not worth the effort? I had a friend tell me Steel Pier is too much of a hassle, but I want to see Atlantic City and I love spinning mice, so it's still on the agenda, for now.

5. In terms of unique rides, I already know about the Twister, Double Shot and Lusse Skooters at Keansburg, the walk-thru haunted house at Jenkinsons, the Evolution at Casino, the Mixer at Gillians, and the flume and sky ride at Morey's. Is there anything else that sticks in your memory about any of the parks listed?

6. I know that Morey's is probably the "jewel" of the Shore, and we pretty much plan to abandon the above plan if we get bogged down and it looks like we won't have enough time at Wildwood. Is Morey's the best of the shore, and how many hours do you think we will need? I'm figuring on it being open until at least midnight, and possibly later.

7. Any other hints/tips/tricks anyone has will of course be most appreciated

1. You aren't insane. Kyle Mackey and went from Wildwood north to Seaside Heights in 6 hours. You're going the opposite direction, and can take advantage of Morey's famous enthusiast/credit whore pleasing soft closing times (that often go well into the early morning).

2. Distance is nothing. There shouldn't be too much traffic, bar maybe getting into Atlantic City itself and within the city limits. Stay on the freeways (other than the drive between Jenkinsons and Seaside Heights).

3. There's no such thing as free parking at any of these places. Bring quarters, as there may be available parking meters in Ocean City, Seaside Heights, and near Jenkinsons and Keansburg (which I visited 3 years ago or so).

4. All parks are worth the effort. Besides, you can get 3 Flizers in ONE DAY =)

5. Non Coaster Rides of interest that I remember (or you mentioned):

Keansburg: Lusses, Double Shot,

Jenkinsons: Rock O Plane (on their site), KMG Moveit, a walk through I didn't know about =/

Seaside Heights: Moveit? (Casino), Haunted Manor (Funtown, seen on website), Double Shot (Funtown)

Steel Pier: Don't remember any worth mentioning

Ocean City: Mixer (Gillians), Double Shot (Playland), Giant Wheel (Gillians), Loop O Plane (Gillians)

Wildwood: KMG MoveIt, several dark rides (including Jersey Junkyard), Power Surge

6. You shouldn't have too many problems. I'm not sure that the Double Shot at Keansburg is that big a deal, especially with one coming up later at the stop preceeding Wildwood, Ocean City. There are also several spots with KMG Moveits. If you're scared about time at Jenkinson's, wait until you're at Morey's and ride it there. God knows you won't need rerides on Great Nor'Easter, RC-48, Rollies Coaster, Doo-Whopper, Sea Serpent, or at that point, the Flitzer (having been on two in the preceeding hours). You can probably mow through Morey's in two and a half hours, doing everything there and stopping briefly to eat. In terms of individual piers taking up time, none of them will take more than an hour and a half (Casino being the one you'll probably spend more time at than any other single pier), and places like Jenkinsons can be accomplished in under a half hour from the time your get out of your car till you get back in.

7. That Ferris Wheel down the boardwalk from Ocean City Playland? That's don't need to start driving again =)


Lord Gonchar's avatar
Two problems I see.

1. Saturday - bigger crowds

2. Morey's - actually takes some time as the three piers aren't exactly on top of each other and there's a lot to ride.

We did a similar trip this past summer and while we rode tons of coasters, we did end up skipping piers in lieu of rest and general time constraints. We did NYC/Jersey Shore on a Wednesday in August. If we hadn't spent so much time at Coney Island (and a little too much time at each pier) we'd have hit all the smaller piers with no problem - with kids even! We had planned on Morey's for the next day so that wasn't even attempted.

Just adults doing a quick "credit whore" stops might just be able to pull this off. This is where I refer back to the original problems - on a Saturday and including Morey's just seems to be pushing it a tad too far.

I would consider Morey's the best by a long shot - some of the piers have a carnival quality to them and their coasters aren't worth much more than credit. Still it sounds like a fun trip to try. I'd skip smaller piers if time becomes a problem and get to Wildwood.


*** This post was edited by Lord Gonchar 2/11/2003 5:33:06 PM ***

Being that the only thing of any interest is The Great White I suggest you do this. Go to Great Adventure and buy LoQ. It makes a Evil saturday very very Sunday like. Stay until you have had your fill of the Bolliger and Mabillard goodness and then head to Moreys. Ride their two Pain Machines and the CCI and go home.
I would hardly consider $20 million dollars worth of coasters a 'credit', or 'carnival quality', but what do I know, I only work in this industry.

I will give you some pointers on parking and logistics, as I am familiar with the Shore operations.

Keansburg is a good spot, but if you are behind, then procede right to Pt. Pleasant. You can park for about $10 next to Jenkinson's South, the west side pier. They have a great Flitzer, and the above mentioned Rock O Plane. Walk a block north, and the Fun House, which was built in 1998, is about $5. It is a great walk thru. They change a room out every year. This is also the place with the best food.

Drive down 36 to Seside Heights, and park to the north of the waterpark. At Casino Pier is the new Star Jet, and the very rare Zierer Wizards Cavern coaster / dark ride. The Mouse has good and bad days, but was not bad last year. If you walk south to Funtown Pier, they have a 200ft. S&S Space Shot.

Driving south to Atlantic City, park at the Taj Mahal. But use valet. The self park is $2, and valet is also $2, and you can tip $2. The Steel Pier is across the boardwalk with the Crazy Mouse. Get a Hard Rock Cafe t-shirt for show and tell later.

The next stop is Ocean City. If you park at Castaway Cove (Playland), you will be right in there back yard. They have the S&S Double Shot, a new flume, and a great Wild Mouse. If you walk north, Wonderland Pier (Gillians) has the good City Jet, a flume, and Giant Ferris Wheel.

The last stop is Morey's Piers. With over 90 rides, the lines are never too long. As stated, the 25th Street Pier has the Great Nor'Easter, the Zoom Phloom, the RC-48, and the Huss Condor. Dante's Inferno has great stunts.

The Pier at Schellenger Ave. has the Sea Serpent, the Giant Wheel, (156ft.), the Sky Ships monorail, and the Maelstrom, which is a KMG 'Spin Out', not a KMG Moveit. (please get the name right if you are going to try to impress the insiders). There is also Mack's first park mount Tea Cups.

At the Spencer Ave. Pier lies the Great White, and the Doo Whopper, Zamperala's first mouse. Also there is the Skyride and a Indiana Jones type 3-D walk thru.

Scattered throughout the piers are various pay attractions and go karts, which are all pretty good. The best food on the boardwalk is on Morey's Piers, such as Jumbo's, Curley's Fries, and Boardwalk Fries.

If you hit Jenkinson's by 11am, you should hit Wildwood by 7pm. The best parking for Morey's at any of there lots. There largest is on Poplar Ave., behind Hunt's Pier. They also have several next to Schellenger and Atlantic Ave's.
"Every Man Has Got to Know His Limitations"

Lord Gonchar's avatar
I never said "carnival quality" was a bad thing. :) If you go in expecting it, they can be quite fun. Of course most of the thrill comes from wondering whether the structure will collapse under you or the next set of riders. I especially dug the duct tape on the Looping Coaster restraints at Funtown Pier.

Sure there are some very nice rides along the shore at the various piers, but there's also a bunch of rides with the same cheeseball feel to them as you get when visiting the local county fair.

BaSSiSiSt mentioned the trip is mostly to rack up some credits and in that sense it'd be a lot of fun to do with some friends. If you're looking for top notch coasting action, you'll find it - not a lot of it, but you'll find it.

Agent Johnson mentioned the highlights and got it about 100% correct - not including Morey's there about 7 coasters worthy of mention. The rest of what you'll find and even some of Morey's (Rollie's Coaster, RC-48) are what I'd call "carnival quality".

Roll with it and have fun - we did.


Well, you find me a Pinfari RC-48 model coaster in any traveling show in this country and you get a free pass to my park.

"Every Man Has Got to Know His Limitations"

Hi there!

Most of the posts above should answer your questions, but I can tell you that it is possible to do this trip. This past summer I did the exact same trip as you're planning and it was a sucess. I took the trip on the worst day of them all..Memorial Day. Traffic was a headache, but I got through it. I didn't have anytime to do any flats and only did the coasters. A few observations you may want to consider:

Keansburg Amusement Park doesn't open till noon (at least last year). The website advertises it at 11:00, however that's only for the kiddie rides. The main rides open at noon apparantly.

After Keansburg my arrival times at the next park are as followed (approx): Jeankenson's pier (1:30-2:00) Seaside Hights (3:00) Atlantic City (4:30 or 5:00??) Ocean City (6:30) Wildwood (8:00).

I also drove all the way home that night, so leaving Wildwood at 10:30 and dealing with Philadelphia traffic at 2:00 in the morning put me home about 3:30 in the morning. Hitting those six locations (7 parks) was successful. Keep in mind I only did the coasters (that's all I had time for) so hitting all those extra dark rides and flats will be an ordeal. I wish you best of luck on the trip.

Lord Gonchar's avatar
My use of the term "carnival quality" has nothing to do with portability. In general there's a lessened expectation (especially for an enthusiast) when visiting a traveling fair, or carnival. Perhaps I've never been to a fair that's "big" enough, but the coasters at these fairs, carnivals, etc tend to be on a different level than what you'll find at the average amusement park. I think most people understand what I'm getting at here. Again, let me stress that I don't use this in a derogatory way - these rides can be as fun as the marquee coasters at major amusement parks...just in a different way.

I understand that many (most?) of these Jersey pier rides are not portable and all are permanent installations. That's not what I mean by calling them "carnival quality".

Just for the record RC-48 was my all time least favorite coaster until I rode Flashback 2 weeks ago. It's actually below "carnival quality".


Also, I would recommend purchasing the "Passport to Fun" ticket book through the Casino Pier website. It costs around $25 and you get 12 tickets good for any ride on the pier. Star Jet itself costs around $5 so it's well worth it.

Sue Barry

Mamoosh's avatar
Since I'll be making this trek with Bass I wanted to thank everyone for their input thus far. I know he appreciates it as well.


Humor Ingredients: all natural flavors, some artificial additives. Sold by weight, not volume. 100% satisfaction not guaranteed. Void in Texas and Puerto Rico.

*** This post was edited by Mamoosh 2/12/2003 10:57:27 AM ***

Great White has a good tunnel, and great first and last drops. A perfect seaside coaster. "Ghostrider's younger brother."

which is a KMG 'Spin Out', not a KMG Moveit. (please get the name right if you are going to try to impress the insiders)

Ooh...sorry to have gotten it wrong. Yup, its a 24 person Moveit, otherwise known as a Spinout. I think Jenkinsons is the same thing.

And many of the coasters on the Jersey Shore are portable rides. That doesn't mean they can't be good (Doppel Looping, Thriller, Dreier Looping, etc are all fine rides and also quite portable), but then again, there are masses of Looping Zyklons and Schwarzcopf Wildcats all over the US and Europe. They're not particularly special and not really worth paying to ride 3-4 times.

*** This post was edited by DeadAndRestless 2/12/2003 12:37:50 PM ***

Yes, as Moosh said, thanx for the GREAT info. I knew you guys would come thru! ;-)

I'm glad it's been reinforced in my mind that we are going to be able to accomplish all or most of what we're setting out to do!

Mike Miller

Intamin Fan says we have to behave. Let's bring this discussion back to coasters. Do you people think I have all day to dick around?

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