Jeff, is this you????

I came across this, and i was wondering if this was you trying out to be a DJ

Haha! Very interesting! I think somebody's been using a leeching program...

Joshua Wilcox
Knowing others is intelligence, knowing yourself is true wisdom.
Mastering others is strength, mastering yourself is true power.

I think its actually him, the hells a leeching program.
It finds files and directories on a website. It's very useful if you want to download things like a coaster photo gallery, instead of individually saving each pic. I use the one in GoZilla. I always be careful where I use it because some people consider it an invasion of privacy.

Joshua Wilcox
Knowing others is intelligence, knowing yourself is true wisdom.
Mastering others is strength, mastering yourself is true power.

Jeff  if I were you  I would start getting freaked out right about know.
I am sorry to anounce that mf will be closed. But if you really want experience it in the rain drive down the cause way going 90mph and stick you head out the window
Right....Jeff Putz is our webmaster. Jeff Jones is the DJ.
Ricochet: Bouncing to you in 2002, Only at King's Dominion!

*** This post was edited by ßruce on 8/31/2001. ***

That ain't Jeff, not Jeff Putz.
Jeff's avatar
Yes, it's me. I prefer the WZJM aircheck myself. Jones is my radio name, inspired by Indiana Jones when I needed something generic enough that I couldn't be recognized (yes, I had stalkers). I dropped out of radio in '96 so I could make a real living. I don't regret it, but I sure do miss it. I have dreams about it all the time.

Incidentally, the voice of the Coasters' Choice Awards was my boss at WYHT. Now he's back in DC doing production work, but chances are you've heard him in Cleveland as well.

Jeff - Webmaster/Admin -
"From the global village... in the age of communication!"
Watch the grass grow!

I'd be freaked...You people...Obsess Much?
Millennium Force: The Future's Riding On It
You used a radio alias to avoid stalkers but then go out and make a 5000 member website and proceed to put a webcam at the front of your house? ;)

Joshua Wilcox
Knowing others is intelligence, knowing yourself is true wisdom.
Mastering others is strength, mastering yourself is true power.

Compressed Airhead said:
You used a radio alias to avoid stalkers but then go out and make a 5000 member website and proceed to put a webcam at the front of your house?

LOL! That's exactly what I thought.
Wow Jeff, you sound nothing like I would have thought. Odd...

"Computer games don't affect kids; I mean if Pac-Man affected us as kids, we'd all be running around in darkened rooms, munching magic pills and listening to repetitive electronic music." Kristian Wilson, Nintendo, Inc, 1989

Compressed Airhead said:
You used a radio alias to avoid stalkers but then go out and make a 5000 member website and proceed to put a webcam at the front of your house?
Joshua Wilcox

He also puts his adress up!  I won't give a link but his home adress is on a page!  Your inviteing the stalkers now!
Cameron Willis
"You mean I can't pay with all pennies?" Six Flags Execs. buying coaster after emptying all the wishing ponds.

*** This post was edited by CoasterCameron on 8/31/2001. ***

Yeah, I am now waiting for a new member to call himself "Stalking Jeff"!!! LOL!!
I dont want to grow up, Im a Coasters-R-Us kid!!!!
Y105 I don't Y105 think you Y105 said Y105 the call letters Y105 enough Jeff. Maybe Coasterbuzz you should Coasterbuzz keep the Coasterbuzz site Coasterbuzz going with Coasterbuzz subliminal messages Coasterbuzz.

Just a though (and bad at that....Coasterbuzz),


Wow. That takes me back a few years. I was probably listening to those broadcasts when they were originally being aired. I still listen to WYHT on ocassion when I go back to my hometown. Stalkers in Mansfield? Doesn't surprise me alot of people up there aren't exactly normal.
Actually his address is available to anyone in the world, on several differnete webpages, if you own a domain, you already know how.

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