Jealous of Ohio! (Cordelia's Chicken Salad)

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janfrederick's avatar
OK...this'll be short because my wife is waiting for me to get off the computer and join her for some TV maxin'.

So, we woke up bright and early (7AM) for a jaunt down to Knott's. Given my status as a working person this summer past, this was to be my first trip in quite a spell (aside from the occasional Belmont Park run).

With an absolutely geogeous beach run up the 5 from Sandy Eggo to OC, we arrived just in time to see the Marines saluting the falg for the opening national anthem.

We left the doggie in the car and headed for the entrance (toys in hand). I had been under the impression that the entrance fee would be $10 per person with a toy. To my surprise, it was free with a toy (we're talking Knott's Berry Farm here).

Headed straight for a 5 minute wait for Ghostrider and got the caramel colored train. Oh my goodness, this train runs at 9AM like the others do at 9PM! As usual, off the &%$a*-in' hook! Wow!

But at the station turnaround, I spied the X-cellerator running...with a half train-load!

So we ditched the G-rider and headed to the XLTR via the empty Calico Mine Ride (one day, LoCoCaMo tight?)

Nobody in the line for the front?! OK, we'll give it a shot. Sure, why not. I didn't have time to think about what I'd gotten myself into when BLAM!!! My eyeballs were getting turned into beef jerkey! Hooooly cow! This was a better rush than MF. Jeeeze Louise! ANYbody out CA-way should check this out. Knott's is now my favorite CA park with this little baby.

After a picture (which will be in my profile very soon), we did the timber mountain elf ride before heading to Sra. Knott's Restaurant. As usual, we ate too many biscuits to finish the fried chic-chic.

We took some of that back to the car for the doggie and headed for a huge park in Irvine for the little guy to enjoy some Dog's Berry Farm action.

I'm chillin' like an old fart now, at home, wondering how long I'll be able to do this.

FYI, I could help but to tell the guys in the seat behind us, after our ride on the XLR8R, that Cedar Point was building one twice as tall. Which, by the way, I absolUTEly cannot f-ing believe. You guys are in for a serious TREAT! Man, all ya need now is a chicken restaurant.

Oh, speaking of which, not only did my doggie appreciate the wait once the chicken leftovers came (sans bones of course), but I just finished an incredible Chinese Chicken Salad made with Knott's Fried Chicken. How about that?!

I might be lucky to be able to coaster in the Winter, but 420'??! Fahgeddabouddit!

(check out my profile pic in about 5 minutes!)

Ok Ok...give me a couple days to scan it and get it approved. Well worth the wait thought...-e

"If the beats were made of meat then they would have to be me ..." - L.L. Cool J

*** This post was edited by janfrederick on 12/15/2002. ***

Nice to hear a possitive XLR8R review! I haven't been to Knott's sence I was an infant, maybe next year... anyway spy the Boomerang's new spify dark Purple and Lime green painting coming along?

Todd, new pictures as of friday are on if thats what you're looking for. they still have a lot to do, i mean they're completely overhauling the ride. new queue covering and all.

Knotts Berry Farm biscuits OOOOOOOWWWWWWNNNNNNN!!!!!!!!

Soggy's avatar
Just wondering if you managed to get on Montezooma's Revenge or Jaguar?

Great report. In the future, you may want to give a clearer hint as to what parj you went to, though. (even though "chicken" is a pretty good hint :))

Nothing... NOTHING... can prepare you for... the Fourth Dimension!

janfrederick's avatar

No Jag or Monty. We were in a bit of a hurry. By the time we were ready for biscuits, the park was (boysenberry) jam-packed.

"If the beats were made of meat then they would have to be me ..." - L.L. Cool J

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