Islands of Adventure Advice

Hi all!

I'm going to IOA for the first time over Winter Break.

I have a couple of questions:

1) I can only go for 1 day, do you guys know of any way I can save a little bit of money over the regular price?

2) If choosing between the 21st, 22nd, or 23rd, does it matter? These are Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday.

Sorry to just jump on and start asking questions in my first post, but I need some help. :o) I post off and on at as I'm a huge Cedar Point fan.

Any other pointers are appreciated. Thanks guys!

1) I think those entertainment coupon books will have half off or buy 1 get 1 free coupons

2) Day doesnt matter, but I would go on a Tuesday :)

1) I don't think so. There might be a discount with AAA for single day admission, but I don;t know of any coupons or anything. In the past the Grinchmas coupons have been for buy and aadult, bring a kid free

2) Are these December dates? If so, it will probably be crowded all week because of Christmas. I was thinking Monday might be the best bet. If you can wait till Christmas day, it might be good since a lot of people go to MK for the Xmas parade and stuff.

-Matt D.

Like Matt D stated, this is Orlando's peak travel season, so crowds will definately be present.

If you only have one day at IOA it might be wise to get a Universal Express pass. I myself have been to IOA once and have stayed at the Royal Pacific Resort, where our room keys were Express passes (a really sweet thing if you ask me!).

As far as deals on admission go the only thing that i know of that is a huge deal is the 5 days for less than the price of a two day ticket on Universal's website, but obviously this doesnt make sense for you. Quick question, are you only visiting IOA? If so, definately get the Express pass so you can spend alot of time just walking around the park and taking in the amazing themeing.

If you have any other question feel free to ask. I'm not a IOA/USF master, but i know the parks rather well. *** Edited 12/2/2003 11:44:26 PM UTC by NegativeG-Force***

It's Playtime - SF 2004
Thanks for the help so far guys.

I had heard that this was a really high-traffic time in Orlando. :o( I guess maybe I'll try Monday in hopes that maybe some people haven't arrived yet? And then just get there early.

The gate price is kind of daunting considering around here (Worlds of Fun) you can find coupons to get in for $20. Even Cedar Point, I can get into as much as I want with my $60 Worlds of Fun Season Pass.

I saw the 5 day thing that looks sweet, but we have very limited time there. We're going down to see Kansas in the Tangerine Bowl on the 22nd. Yay! :o)

Anyway, if you guys come up with anything else, let me know. Thanks for being so helpful!

rollergator's avatar
Football, KU? Didn't anyone tell you that as a Jayhawk, your *primary* responsibility is to the basketball team....Rock Chalk Jayhawk and all that?

Tix around here parks are generally higher than elsewhere, and get discounted less frequently, because our parks are "destination parks". Someone coming from the UK or from Brazil has already spent big $$ to get to FL, and on hotels, meals, rental the ticket prices aren't as relelvant....for the locals, we do the season pass thing. AAA is always a good bet if you have that, though...:)

edit: one last thought....I have been TOLD that you MAY be able to ride Pteranodon Flyers if you procedd DIRECTLY to the ride AT opening...this isn't a guarantee, but once there's a line of any kind, they WILL require you to have a kid to ride....capacity on that ride is *negligible*....
*** Edited 12/3/2003 7:31:08 PM UTC by rollergator***

I was also looking at going to Islands for the first time probably next week, I've heard mixed things about crowds in mid-december but on the 11th/12th time should I be missing the majority of the Christmas crowds? Also more information on this entertainment book somone spoke of?

*** Edited 12/3/2003 8:48:59 PM UTC by KoaSteR737***

Keith Cedar Point 2003: Sandcastle Suites The Amusement Park rises bold and stark, kids are huddled on the beach in a mist...
The only other deal they have going right now is annual passes for 15 dollars a month charged to credit card. I do not know what the cancilation fee or charge is. But with the annual pass rooms at royal pacific 109 through the 26th I am going the weekend of 26-29 but i have annual pass with 1year 10 months left on it.So if the line is to long i will come back in january. If you want to check rates put APH in promotion code box. You do not need pass to book. But you will need at check in.
Kansas? I love Dust in the Wind...Will Ferrell sings it the best. :-)

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