Islands Of Adventure$$$

Hey. I was just wondering how much the tickets are to get into the park because i am going there monday Feb.18 and i am going to Florida Feb.15 Thanks.
Kick The Sky's avatar
Cool! I will be leaving for Florida on the 15th as well.  We got the 5 park 14 day passes that allow unlimited admission to Seaworld, Universal, IOA, Busch Tampa (hour away), and some water park we will never see.  This cost us 200 a piece and was a great value.  Regular tix at all the Florida parks run in the 50 dollar range so if you are planning on more park going, go the pass route.  We might acutally be at IOA on Monday as well.  I am still waiting on my brother in law and his girlfriend to see which parks they want to hit while they are out there with my wife and I.  They are only staying until the 19th.  We are there for 9 days.


Bob Hansen

"Excuse me while I kick the sky!"

Do a little research dude.  Click on the link that says "Sites" at the top of the page and look for the link to Universal Florida's site.  Get it straight from the horse's mouth.

$49.95 a ticket.

Coasterman Mike

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Are you that lazy? Come on. Find a search engine, type in Islands of Adventure official site and click on pricing or tickets. See, it's not that hard, is it?

Intamin Fan said:
Are you that lazy? Come on. Find a search engine, type in Islands of Adventure official site and click on pricing or tickets. See, it's not that hard, is it?

Intamin Fan - Maybe he is just trying to see what deals and/or coupons are out there that he may not find on a web site.  Not all the info people request here are on the web somewhere, and if they are, that's not necesarrily where they want to find them.  He could have gone to the IOA site and not seen the 5 park deal that "Kick the Sky" mentioned.  I think that's a great deal myself if someone will be there long enough and he may not have found this somewhere else. 
To answer the question of the original post, I got mine through AAA (I'm going in a week and a half :0)).  It was around $4 off which isn't great, but I couldn't get a much better deal elsewhere from my research.  Plus I already have the tickets in my possession so I don't have to wait in the ticket line there.  Also, you can go to the visitor center there and they probably have discounts.  Go to  for more info and visitor center info.

Thanks. no i was not lazy just wanted to know about some deals and stuff.

Zimm said:
"Intamin Fan - Maybe he is just trying to see what deals and/or coupons are out there that he may not find on a web site."

Well that may indeed be what was meant but it sure wasnt what was asked. I, for one, am getting plenty miffed that people ask questions that can easily be answered on the respective "official site" or by a tool such as mapquest or expedia.

Perhaps we (and by we I mean Y'ALL :)) could work on phrasing our inquires differently
--"You dont know what they did!!!"

"Nobody writes about the planes that land." Steve Salerno Washington Times 7-10-01

Hey Kisks The Sky, where did you get that 5 day thing?
"This Movie spent way to much money on special effects, look they couldnt even afford to buy those little dudes shoes!"
Thanks for having my back Hostyl. That definitely wasn't the question you asked.
Maybe it's my "old" age (31), my time I've been on the net (since 96'), or wintertime. But, so many people on this site seem to ask questions that are easily answered on the official sites. The companies that own those sites pay a lot of money to make sure that their webpages are informative, and many people take the easy way out by posting questions on this site. In the time it takes to have your question answered, you could've found out the information yourself in a lot less time and moved onto something else.
You should buy a season pass. even if you don't get the ACE discount, it would only be about $135.

joey isch said:
"Hey Kicks The Sky, where did you get that 5 day thing?

The 5-park, 14-day pass (called the "5 Park Orlando FlexTicket") can be had online at Busch Garden's online store. The price actually just went up a tad -- I paid I believe $195 for the one I used two weeks ago, now it.s $202.95. You MAY be able to find it elsewhere cheaper.

If you're only going to IoA, then it's not worth it. If, however, you're planning in hitting IoA, Universal, BGT, AND Seaworld, all within the same 14 day span, it's a nice deal -- I used mine to hit Seaworld, BGT, and Universal once each, and IoA TWICE.

If you're only going to IoA, I'd go for the $99 Universal season pass instead. Go to IoA and Universal once each and it's basically paid for, AND you can keep going back. I'm actually considering getting it, but I'm not sure if I'll be in Orlando enough to really justify it.

"The questions ticket agents ask at airports are useless, but give an illusion of security to the GP. Much like seatbelts on roller coasters...
My page

Kick The Sky's avatar
For that matter, if you dont plan on doing Busch Gardens, there is a four park flex pass as well that is also good for 14 days and is about 30 or 40 dollars cheaper.  As far as the season passes are concered, I thought you had to be a Florida resident to get one and have it processed.  I might be wrong on that.  I got my passes through the Seaword site and the prices do not include sales tax so it will be a bit more with that added on.  Also, I contacted both our AAA and a AAA office in the Orlando area and they are no longer offering the flex passes at any AAA location.  They said that the passes were not popular enough.

For our trip, the 5 park pass made quite a bit of sense because we are starting our trip in Orlando and then after that we are going out to Tampa to visit friends.  We will actually hit Busch Tampa guaranteed and while we are in Orlando we will most likely only be commandoing amusement parks.

On a side note, if anyone is going to be down in Orlando the week after the 15th of Feb, let me know, maybe we can meet up at one of the parks.  I would like to meet some of the people on this board.  Just send me an email to


Bob Hansen

"Excuse me while I kick the sky!"

rollergator's avatar
I know that IOA/USF passes can be had for ACE members for $99 (this rocks, IOA is, far as I know, the first FL park to extend benefits to ACE).   They also had the same deal going with AAA (that's what we used before IOA signed on with ACE), but I am not sure as to whether that was "Florida residents only"...

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