Is there room left for small parks?

With all the high tech parks in operation, is there room in the amusement industry for small parks?
I hope. I love my Michigan's Adventure! Of course, this may become one of those, "high-tech" parks after CF gets done with it.

Coasters- a little slice of heaven
I certainly hope so. Holiday World and Lakemont were 2 of the most enjoyable stops on my coaster tour last year.
I think it all depends on the location... If you're a few miles away from a giant like SFMM or CP, then probably not. Otherwise, if you're in sparse area like Montana, then you probably have a good chance.

.:| Brandon Rodriguez |:.
I don't know with all these giants
This has nothing to do with roller coasters, but the Milwaukee Bucks just got screwed because the refs got paid off to let the team with the MVP win. The NBA is making me sick!!!

Dont worry coasteraddict the Lakers will show Mr. MVP whos boss.
Enjoy Your Ride On Goliath
Small parks have their place in the industry. Not everyone(especially families with kids) wants to dish out big sums of cash which drains their bank accounts. The 2 small parks here in the Chicago area(Kiddieland and Santas Village) do just fine with SFGAm being only within an hour of them. Kiddieland has been around for 72 years and Santas Village 43 years. I dont see either one of them folding up anytime soon.

""Coaster riding is a disease and SFGAm is the cure!!!!!!!""
Sure, they are doing just great. Holiday World and Indiana Beach keep getting those CCI's ;)
In my opinion there will always be a place for the small to mid-size parks. They fill a definite need in the business. They can more readily accommadate the nationality days,school picnics,community days and smaller corporate functions that would tend to get "lost" at a larger park. This is what Kennywood,Knoebels and the others have learned and have exploited to their (and our) benefit.
Given the success of parks like Holiday World, Knoebel's, Lake Compounce, and Kennywood, I'd say there's PLENTY of space left for the small- to mid-size parks.


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