Is there any new coasters coming to SFKK?

I have heard rumors upon rumors that SFKK will be getting a coaster like the Hulk called Poison Ivy? For 2 years now I have heard this rumor! Is there any truth, or can you tell me if any new coasters or rides in general are coming to the Kingdom!
I don't know who need's 2-3 new coasters, between them and SFDL their both are in BAD SHAPE it's like the six flags parks that time has forgotten!
although I did hear that they (SFKK) may get V2 that's nothing compared to what other's have gotten

time will tell

*** This post was edited by Mr. Mouse on 10/31/2001. ***

Don't be TOO surprised if SFKK winds up gettting the Viper, aka Tidal Wave, the Schwarkopf shuttle looper.  May not sound too great to others, but I'd take it over a LOT of other rides...keep your hands up throught the reverse loop, and you'll see what I mean...
rollergator - intent on improving the "guest experience" - coming soon to a park near you
I really hope SFKK gets the tidal wave, I enjoyed it so much as a kid.  The midwest doesn't need yet another impulse, especially if CP gets one.
I think they probably will get Viper/Tidal wave.I did some research into that ride yesterday and found out that that ride is extremely loud upon launch so I doubt the rumors of it going to SFA due to noise concerns.From what I hear SFKK most likely will be getting an impulse coaster for 02 as might SFA,SFDL or SFEG.
If  SFKK got Viper, as much as I loved that coaster,  I still don't think I could go back to that park. :)



I'm hoping for Viper AND the V2 clone.  I don't think it really all that far out of the question either.  Along these lines I have a question:  isn't there somewhere that stores rides that have been bought from amusement parks that have been auctioned off?  (like the rides from Opryland)  Where is it and to whom does it belong?

God please let SFKK get something in 2002. ANYTHING!!

I want sfdl to get an impulse!!! Or any coaster or new ride by the way..
"who needs drugs when you have coasters...they're like a natural high"
i didnt know that noise was a problem at, id LOVE to see us get viper/tidal wave at SFA!  ive never ridden a Schwartzkopf shuttle loop....we used to have one at PKD back in the early 80's, called King Cobra, but it was removed before i was tall enough to ride, ive also heard some other SFA rumours for 2002, like a B&M standup....someone even said that they saw track...ive been there twice this fall, and i havnt seen a thing, but hey, id be happy with anything :)  sorry to go off subject, SFKK fans, im sure you guys will get hooked up with somethin...its been a couple years since you guys got somethin right??  im sure you guys will score!! :)
I had also heard that possibly Shockwave from SFGA would be coming to the Kingdom. I heard this from a friend of mine who works at SFKK as a supervisor! Any truth to this?
SFKK doesn't have room for Shockwave plus that was just a rumor floating around that six flags was getting rid of Shockwave.
Shockwave is not leaving SFGAm (TM)
"The Peoples Elbow" or "The Spinaroonie?. Cant decide which is the most electrifying move in sports entertainment!!! LOL
Why is SFKK being put aside in the coaster wars? Is it because of lack of space? I heard that Hurricane Bay (which is dead center of the park) is going to be moved for a hyper coaster that starts half underground! I am sooooo confused. All I know is that SFKK needs something!
Well, if I remember correctly, Shaggy said in URC that at the moment, the planned V2 coaster for SFKK is either postponed or cancelled altogether having to do with recent problems with Intamin I believe. I would personally like to see Viper come to SFKK, so it could be a good possibility. But 1)Why was Vampire removed only to end up in another SF park? and 2)Why was Viper removed only to be sent to another SF park? Couldn't SF have relocated the rides at other sections of each park? Oh well, the ride rotation program was/is rather cool if you ask me.
As of closing weekend, SFKK had indeed cancelled all addition plans for the 2002 season.  The season pass pre-sale had been backed off in the hopes of a new product announce, however the passes did go on sale without any new for 2002 attraction(s) being announced.

I worked weekends on the Chang crew this past fall and on our final day, maintenance confirmed that they had indeed been told in a staff meeting that the proposed installation for 2002 had been nixed.

According to those I know at the park, and general word of mouth at the park, originally SFKK had planned to add an Intamin Impulse Coaster in place of the Tin Lizzies Antique Car attraction.  Tin Lizzies was to be moved to the back of the park, where the Top Eliminator Dragsters are located.  The Dragsters were slated for removal and relocation to another SF park.

Apparently a re-paint is in store for Chang and the park has budgeted for it.  Expect an entirely different color scheme yet again next season.

Now, the new product plans may very well (hopefully) change prior to next season.  But at this point nothing is firm.  If a new major installation is chosen, I would suspect it would follow the park's usual pattern of opening well into the operating season.

SFKK had a terrible end of season.   In the 10 weeks I worked there, the park was completely dead.  There was only one single afternoon in that time period that Chang ran two trains.  That was on the only day of my stint there that I saw the que in use.  And even so, only one row of the que was full.  Other than that, the line rarely made it down the station steps.

What does all that mean?  Well, it says to me that the GP has figured out what enthusiasts have known for a while.  It just is not an enchanting, or lastingly enjoyable park to attend.  I would hope theat SF and the park officials would wake up and see it too.


*** This post was edited by Shaggy on 11/5/2001. ***

I really think that SFKK could become an enchanting park with some serious thought put into theming and lanscaping.  I almost hate to see another coaster come to this park before the two aforementioned items are taken to heart and applied liberally throughout the park.  I know allot of folks rant on and on about the DC Comic sections of other Six Flags parks, but even this would be a welcome addition to SFKK.  I feel so bad for anyone that visits the park anymore.  Half the rides are either inop or run only one train.  It's a p*ss-poor way to run a park if you ask me.  I do give SFKK one bonus: the ride ops seem to be doing their jobs well.  I've yet to encounter a rude ride-op there.  They don't interact much with the crowd but hey, I guess that's how they choose to do it there. I like SFKK and am really hoping that there's some way that they can break out of this viscious cycle they are in of sagging attendance/no new attractions(investments).  Guess I'll just pray about it a little harder.    
God please let SFKK get something in 2002. ANYTHING!!

*** This post was edited by Joey Stewart on 11/6/2001. ***

I personally think they need to come up with a different way to route traffic! Maybe, move the road away from the park? Sure it wouldn't be a true circle, but man, I use to work at SFKK and on really busy days, the bridge across the road would sway from the weight. If you get rid of that road, you can connect the park and make it more easy to move around. And Viper, the coaster everyone has mentioned as coming to SFKK, where is it from? Which park is it coming from?
The road can't be removed, because the park doesn't own it.
Fighting for peace is like screwing for virginity.
Think outside of the box....

Think backwards...


What if the park put the main entrance on the OTHER side....


What about talking to the Fair and Expo and have them put the road over the park. Make tunnels! anything has got to be better.

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