Is there an Email adress for Coasterbuzz?

Is there an Email adress for Coasterbuzz where humans read it and reply? Because I have a serious problem, and i need to email them.
Millennium is spelled with two n's. :)

.:| Brandon Rodriguez |:.


formally known as Flying DutchMan, Alpengiust is the best!

same with alpengeist

"Poison Ivy looks to intense for me!" "I want to go on somethin more thrilling than Superman:Ride of Steel"

Perhaps you could have figured out that the About page would have a contact email.

Try there.

The Jet Coaster ROARS!
Will Johansson, Webmaster of Xtreme Paramount Parks

A serious problem that requires the attention of Coasterbuzz? Oooo! Sounds scary!

hey bigboy, dont ridicule him, he has an issue and wants to talk to Jeff or another moderator about it. At least he didnt post his problem.

BTW, is Jeff (the webmaster)


I HATE SNOW!!! I am boycotting snow, I refuse to have fun in it.

rollergator's avatar
A note to those who e-mail "Jeff and the mods". A professional tone/demeanor, and a friendly attitude, will get you WAY further than b*tching them out. This is NOT simply re: cb, but life in general..."you catch more flies with honey than you do with vinegar, etc." (Not that I'm calling the mods a bunch of flies;))
RGW: You may catch more flies with honey than vinegar, but I find that a big steaming pile of S-H does a better job than anything :)
--who wonders why the hell anyone would want to catch a bunch of flies...

Jeremy doesn't fish.

(Ok, neither do I, but that's not the point ;) )

rollergator's comment is relevant, though. I do occasionally receive email from CB'ers, and I'm FAR more inclined to respond to the ones that are actually readable.

"Wow, [in your life] when it rains, it not only pours, it floods the basement and causes thousands in damage!" -- Vicki Redcay
My page

It is usually customary to contact the resposible party of a website by directing your e-mail to :

Webmaster@(insert web site here)

Not always, but most of the time.

I've traded in my 2000 Giovanola for a 2002 Arrow X4D :)
My other car is now an Arrow X4D!

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