Is raptor being painted?

i thought i heard somewhere that it was being painted for the 2001 season.

are you ready to go vertical... v2... SFMW... 2001

life prevails for those daring to fail.
i also heard it was going to be a darker shade of green.

are you ready to go vertical... v2... SFMW... 2001

"Johnny Rotten shot me with his BB-gun."

oh sorry, yep

Anyone have / going to have pictures? I won't have the honor of attending the Point this year... *Sniffle*

Po!nt of View: A different look at Roller Coasters.
When I went to get my season pass last Saturday, RAPTOR Was definately painted..and it looked to me like a Bright Neon Green Highlighter :)

p.s. leaving for Cedar Point in four hours!
One comment about the shade of color that I thought of: the colors now may be no different than they were originally, but the difference is that it hasn't been fading in the sun/wind/rain/snow for six years!

Po!nt of View: A different look at Roller Coasters.
I should be going to CP Tuesday, I'll most likely be taking pictures of everything, including Raptor. My web site probably won't be up by then, but maybe this weekend. :)

Joe Cernelli
Head Webmaster, Kennywood Boulevard
Well since I AM going to the point on saturday I suppose I could take the digital cam..when i was up there to get my pass it looked great!
Heather Wagner
~*Shut up and Ride it*~

Cedar Point-Americas Rockin Roller Coast
Jeff's avatar
Been there, seen it. The colors are the same as they were before the fading, only it appears to be more of a glossy paint, a la The Force, compared to the original more flat paint.

Webmaster/Admin -
What color are the running rails? Logically, you'd think they'd paint them, especially since all the new B&M coasters have painted running rails, not to mention all the ruined shirts from runoff after a rain. (I never experienced that myself, but have heard an awful lot about it.)

Matt Lynch
Co-Webmaster, Kennywood Boulevard
Jeff's avatar
The rails are the darker green.

The rust problem wasn't that big of a deal if you washed your clothes (it was usually pants) when you got home and put that stain stuff on them. I got a rust bath and my jeans were fine the next day.

Webmaster/Admin -
What about Mantis - It desperately needs a new coat of paint.


Lynch said:
"Logically, you'd think they'd paint them, especially since all the new B&M coasters have painted running rails, not to mention all the ruined shirts from runoff after a rain."

Actually, Wildfire does not have painted rails. I don't believe that Batman Knight Flight or Medusa West have painted rails, either.

Maybe it's just that their newer inverteds have painted rails, but then, why doesn't Dueling Dragons have painted rails? I've often wondered why some do and some don't. I guess that if you paint the rails, they look bad once the wheels wear off a trail. But if you don't, then you get the rust problem. Most likely the individual park chooses whether or not to paint the rails, but I'm not sure of the advantages and the disadvantages of each.

Mamba--One of the Tallest, Longest, Fastest Roller Coasters in the World

Adam Rentchler
BMCOASTER - the order that has been mentioned is Raptor this year, Mantis next, followed by Magnum. I've heard Blue Streak got some serious new lumber this year, so maybe that fits in there somewhere as well.

Rentch - are you sure that they are not painted at all? Or is it just that they are painted with a grey primer type color?

2001 Magnum Crew

That I do not know. The rails on each of these coasters looks unpainted, but maybe it has some sort of clear anti-rust finish on there instead (a water sealant of sorts). I don't actually know. I guess on the sit-downs and floorlesses, it would cause much less of a problem to have unpainted rails, because you would not get the run down problem. Maybe someone else knows whether the new rides that appear to have unpainted rails actually have a protective coating.

Mamba--One of the Tallest, Longest, Fastest Roller Coasters in the World

Adam Rentchler
I think BKF has a battleship grey primer on the running rails. Wildfire, though, I'm not sure about. Even still, with all the complaints, if they don't paint those rails, that's just asking for more complaints for guests with ruined shirts.

(Hmm... But if the shirt happens to be a Cedar Point shirt, that guest is going to go buy a new one. It's a conspiracy, I tells ya!)

Matt Lynch
Co-Webmaster, Kennywood Boulevard
The rails on BKF are painted a gray color, like Mantis. If they had a clear coat on them, or they were un-painted they would look really dark, the steel isn't fresh looking steel, atleast on the ones I have seen being manufactured.

Also, I think the running rails look better when they are gray.

One last comment, the paint where the wheels hit will eventually rub off and it will start to rust again, not too much of a solution.
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