As for X, have you ridden it? It really is perfect. The whole thing is so wild and giggle inducing, I wouldn't want it to be an inch longer. If you look at it though, think of all the really long coasters that have been built in the past 2 years. I'm thinking along the lines of Nitro, The Legend, The Boss, Mill Force, BKF is a very nice length, S:KC and there are probably plenty I am forgetting.
Idle hands were orient to her.
coaster chaser said:
A ride does not have to be long to be good.Look at Kennywoods coasters
You will never forget the name........GOLDUST
Heck Yea! Kennywood dosent have one long coaster, but they all are great fun.
Fear the Wrath of the Phantom! Phantoms Revenge, Kennywood park, West Mifflin Pennsylvania.
A very interesting ride is Speed:TR in Vegas. You are launched via LSM out of a building, into a diving overbanked turn and through a vertical loop, then comes the unexpected. You hit another block of LSM's that catapult you even faster, then staight up a vertical spike. On the return to the station, the train is slowed nicely through the same block that propelled you, and you navigate the backwards loop, and reverse diving overbanked turn nicely, coming to a comfortable stop inside. Quite a well-designed (though short) ride. As a bonus, they give you 2 laps for each ride. Of course, part of its' intrigue is the (unexpected) mid-couse LSM's, and I just gave it away : ) .
My other car is a Giovanola!
Florida needs an Intamin and/or CCI soon...PLEASE!
Son of Drop Zone - PKI CoasterCamp I Champions!!!
IntaminAG1 - yes, I thought it was funny. It was a parody of a line from "Sunset Blvd" [I think].
I do agree with the statements about the many prototypes lately which are usually made shorter to satisfy several different factors.
Like ravenguy said, the past couple of years have brought us a lot of really long coasters. Most notably all three SROS, MF, SOB, EGF, Nitro, and California Screamin'. I wouldn't call X, Titan, or Goliath short by any standards either.
Its not that the rides are so short, its more that they are completeing their courses at a faster speed because of their height. Look at most full circuit caosters and they are usually 3000-4000 ft in length. Many people refer to MF as a "short" ride, when in fact it is the 7th logest rollercoaster in the world, over 500 feet longer than the six-train California Screamin. The difference? CaliScrmn tops out at 55mph (launched), whereas MF hits 93 (nearly twice as fast). The result? MF finishes 6000 feet of track in half the time CaliScrmn does, thus giving it the "illusion" of being a "short" ride.
When we refer to "short", do we mean that the length of the track doesnt meet up to our standards, or that the experience is over rather "shortly"?
As stated in my previous post, my personal opinion answers both questions. If a ride can navigate it course without needed trim adjustments, then it is "just right". If it needs more track to navigate naturally, then it is too "short". MF needs no trims and breezes though its course nicely, thus, it is "just right" (not that I wouldnt LIKE it to be longer :) ). Goliath has a horribly inappropriate trim right in the middle of the ride,thus, it is ((WAY)) "too short".
Titan (5020ft) was INTENDED to be a clone of Goliath (4500ft). Everybody involved agreed that the mid-course brakes were too heavy and added 520ft of upward helix track to the design in an effort to better take advantage of the energy generated by the Giovanola rolling stock and track. I have not had the opportunity to ride Titan and make an accurate comparison or theorize that 520ft was enough of an addition to fix the problem, but I can assume that it helped greatly. If anyone has ridden BOTH, I'd love to hear your opinion.
My other car is a Giovanola!
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