Iron Rattler is indeed...epic!

rollergator's avatar

Fiesta Texas and the always-enthusiastic Jeffrey Siebert definitely "brought it", Texas-style. The ride is everything it as billed to be.

Having ridden the previous all-wooden version of Rattler only makes the change that much more dramatic. first all-RMC ride, and I am very impressed.

If Iron Rattler is even half of what New Texas Giant is, it is a beautiful thing. RMC seems to nail it with touching old woodies and building new ones.

My favorite MJ tune: "Billie Jean" which I have been listening to alot now. RIP MJ.

ApolloAndy's avatar

I was completely floored by the change to Texas Giant. I hope for your sake you get to ride it sometime (since it's still down as far as I can tell). Hopefully I'll be getting Iron Rattler late this fall.

Hobbes: "What's the point of attaching a number to everything you do?"
Calvin: "If your numbers go up, it means you're having more fun."

I'm heading to SFFT next weekend to try out the new IR. Ironically, this will leave the one closest to my home (Outlaw Run) as the only one of the three RMC's I haven't been on yet.

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Fever I really enjoy the Simpsons. It's just a shame that I am starting to LOOK like Homer.
Tekwardo's avatar

Having now ridden with Gator I can say that I think Iron Rattler is a notch below Giant. And that's a great thing. It's better at nite and a sure winner for the park. It's no Giant, but its a lot of fun and I'm glad I got out here for it and thanks again to Jeff Seibert.

Last edited by Tekwardo,

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Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened.

How is it "no giant" and "notch above" at the same time?

kpjb's avatar

I hate saying this, but here goes: Tyler has a good point.


When I'm confused, I say I'm confused. I'm confused by what tek said because he kinda said two things that were opposites.

kpjb's avatar

Yes. We understand.


Well, obviously it's no Giant because it is, in fact, a notch better than Giant. How is that not crystal clear?

My author website:

Chitown said:
RMC seems to nail it with touching old woodies.

Anyone? I feel like Chandler on Friends trying not to crack jokes...

"Look at us spinning out in the madness of a roller coaster" - Dave Matthews Band

sws's avatar

No - please

Last edited by sws,

bunky666 said:

Chitown said:
RMC seems to nail it with touching old woodies.

Anyone? I feel like Chandler on Friends trying not to crack jokes...

I walked into that one. :)

My favorite MJ tune: "Billie Jean" which I have been listening to alot now. RIP MJ.

Tekwardo's avatar

Notch below. Texas heat and no sleep is getting to me.

Last edited by Tekwardo,

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Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened.

^ I completely trust this guys opinions of steel coasters.

Acoustic Viscosity's avatar

It's no Giant. I didn't get to ride it at night, but my morning ride was several notches below Giant. Still a really good ride and basically what I expected. The zero G roll seemed so effortless and natural. I expected it to be more like an invert zero G roll, but you just glide right through it and I hardly noticed it turned me upside-down.

Huge improvement over the previous Rattler, but not in the same league as Texas Giant.

P. S. Speaking of Giant. We saw them transfering the retrofitted train into the station today. Looks like new lap bars and seatbelts.

AV Matt
Long live the Big Bad Wolf

^I completely trust this guys opinion on wooden coasters. Not sure how that relates to this topic.

rollergator's avatar

The tunnel on IR, at night, with the fog and blue lights, reminded me of a high-speed trip through Space Mountain's pre-lift entry. It was serious good times. That cliff opening was absolute genius from the very beginning. The rest needed help - and got it.

Anyone else reminded of the Steel Phantom->Phantom's Revenge complete transformation? Don't think I've seen anyone mention that comparison before, but it occurred to me how fitting that is for Rattler...

Acoustic Viscosity's avatar

It's akin to that transformation, but I think Phantom's Revenge was an even bigger improvement over its predecessor.

AV Matt
Long live the Big Bad Wolf

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