interlocking loops???

I'va had trouble w/ this, is it possible on the game?

Don't mess with the X in 01
"God gave me a wake up call," RelientK-"Wake Up Call"
You have to have the track in the right spot with the right height. Keep trying. It isn't very hard.

What is life without ups and downs!?!?
I have an Invert with an Interlocking Cobra Roll, Loop, and Barrel Roll. To Make interlocking loops have the track below be 4 or 5 numbers below the track above and it should work.

Get wrapped in the coils of Viper at SFGAm. *** This post was edited by geicu on 1/19/2001. ***
thanks everyone!

Don't mess with the X in 01
An easy way to get interlocking loops on all but inverted coasters is to start with a loop. Remember what direction it went. Make two sections of track down at the 30degree slope then one that is level and banked in the direction that the loop went. Follow the banked section with a large helix down then a straight, level, but banked section of track. Add the default turn then go straight and level. After that you can go straight and up. You will then be able to add a loop the opposite direction of the first loop that will be interlocked.

Another easy way is to do the non curvy large turn down after a loop, a medium turn, then you are in position for another loop thru the first.
I'm 2 for 2 so far!!!
yes you can.Take a loop an level the track out at 11,then when you want them interlaock,make the track on the bottom at 6,and make sure they are lined up wright otherwise it wont work.

Hope that helps!

Making interlocking loops on Shuttle Loops is really easy.
Jack, who can't wait for Opening Day 2001...

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