Intamin Gyro Drops

Is Acrophobia a Gyro Drop ? And Drop Zone @ PKI is the world's tallest Gyro Drop - Right ?
And which do you think is more thrilling Drop Zone or Acrophobia ? And does anyone know how much anyone of them cost ?
Titan Laps:19

*** This post was edited by TITAN_FAN_13 on 2/3/2002. ***

Acrophobia because:

1) Your standing up

2) There is no floor

3) The seats tilt outwards right befor the drop, forcing you to look down

Is there somthing more, then what I've been handed, I've been crawling in the dark looking for the answers!- Hoobastank

I don't know about you,but I'd rather stand than sit on a freefall.

Standing would feel just like skydiving,which I enjoy doing every blue moon or so.:)

rollergator's avatar
I really liked Acro, but the "tilting" wasn't that far really, 15 degrees I think, but the view of the approaching ground was really cool.  But, overall, the "standing" is truly more of a PR thing than the actual riding position, IMO.  The additional height of Drop-Zone, and the view, offsets any advantage that Acro may have.  tie-game to me...
Off-season coaster blues got you down, stop by the 'buzz and turn your frown upside-down...
Son of Drop Zone - PKI CoasterCamp I Champions!!!
 Drop Zone still freaks me out to this day.  The standing position of Acrophobia is a great idea, and it also made my heart beat rapidly, but one thing that I didn't care for about it was the hard braking at the bottom.  For some reason, Drop Zone's braking doesn't bother me in the slightest.

You figure it out.


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