Indiana Beach TR: 05-04-02

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Our family attended the Coaster Chaos event this past Saturday. It was our first park trip of the season. I can't imagine any park to better get the juices flowing for a new season of coasters and parks than Indiana Beach. This was our second trip to IB, with the first having been last June.

Arrived at our hotel, Fairfield Inn in Lafayette, In on Friday evening. Nice place with a great Government employee rate of $55.00 per night. Only one problem with the Hotel. There were about three teams of 9 and 10 year old little leaguers staying in the hotel and about 4 teams of middle school AAU girls basketball teams. While my 13 year-old son didn't seem to have any problem with this fact it did cause some problems. The first night of our stay was complicated by the fact that it sounded as though the persons in the room above us were going to come down through the ceiling and land into our beds with us. We complained to the front desk one time, in person, but it didn't seem to do any good. This lasted until about 1:00 a.m. and maybe longer as that was the time I finally dosed off.

Awoke to a beautiful morning for our first park day of the season. The sun was shining and the temp. was a nice mid-50's. Made the short, peaceful drive up Hwy 43 north to Monticello. The flat land and vast farms of corn are a great contrast to the southern Appalachian landscape of our home. Arrived at the park to see a gathering of around 100 enthusiasts gathered at the gate of the North end parking lot.

We renewed a few acquaintance from last years park season, Scott and Carol Holmes and David Wynn, and mingled with some new ones. One of the most special aspects of this day was it felt as if you were surrounded by family through at all times. We spent a lot of time talking with a couple in their 60's who had came from Connecticut for this event. Met a couple of ladies from Chicago and would tease them all day about being jinxes due to the fact that when they were behind me in line for Cornball and Den of Lost Thieves each ride malfunctioned early in the day. Chris hooked up with Brian from Mason, OH and rode with him most of the day.

We got the first train out of the season on Cornball Express. We actually got two circuits as the sensors were becoming covered with grease and the lapbars wouldn't release. This was some problem throughout the day, but Kudo's to the technician's in there continual perserverence towards quickly fixing the problem each time. Cornball ran great the first circuit and became more intense as the day wore on. Air in all parts of the train. Wicked air in the front and in the back seats.

Hoosier Hurricane, as others have noted, was a much smoother ride than last season. Even managed some small pops of air on the return leg in the back seat. The best chance for air is on the return leg in a quick right turn. When you come out of your seat you also get some good lateral thrust at the same time on this turn.

The Taco's were fantastic. Thanks for the tip on this David. Watched how they prepared them and have made some twice at home since returning.

Purchased a beautiful copper ferris wheel in the Boardwalk shop along with a IB shirt with the IB Crow. Also purchased a hat pin. IB has some wonderful employees everywhere, but especially in their shops. Nothing against younger people, but IB's employees tend to be more mature and pleasant than your average corporate park employee. My wife Lisa, especially enjoyed this aspect of the park and spent time with several employees in conversation. I would love to see someone do a historical book on this park as it's been around for over seven decades.

On the dinner cruise aboard the Shaffer Queen, Crayton, our youngest, got over his frustration of having had a rough day on the minature golf links, by winning a wheel off of one of the old Mountain ride cars for having the highest score of the day in the tournament.

Our entire family loves the Den of Lost Thieves. We rode many times and really enjoy the competitive aspect of shooting the targets.

Kudos to Tom Spackman Jr. for allowing this event to be held at the park and for his personal tours of the constuction of Lost Coaster of Superstition Mountain. Now there's going to be a truly unique ride.

Kudos to Scott and Carol Holmes for there organization of this event.

Kudos to all of the IB staff, ride ops, technicians and clerks who presented as very professional and hospitable towards us all throughout the day.

Arrived back at our hotel at about 10:00 p.m. to the familiar frolicing sounds above our room. Lisa complained to the desk clerk once again. Didn't stop. Lisa went upstairs to find out the room above us contained two nine year old boys (Little Leaguer's from Owensboro, KY) were staying in that room without any adult present. She found there coach and informed him of the problem. Well it got quite for all of two minutes after she returned. I went to the desk myself at 1:00 am to discover a frantic looking desk clerk. He was on the phone apologizing to a guest. He was perspiring profusly. His eyes were red. When he got off of the phone, I couldn't help but laugh. He stated that the whole hotel was complaining about the noise from these young people all over the hotel. My anger subsided to pity for this young desk clerk tring in vain to control a hotel with approximately 100 young people frolocking about. I informed him that my wife had spoken with him earlier and that she had discovered that the noise was coming from two nine year old boys in the room above ours. I told him that we had spoken with their coach and asked him to please contact him once more. The noise ceased after this visit. Upon checkout the next morning an envelope was attached to our reciept containing one nights reimbursement, cash. This was given without request.

Kudos to the Lafayette, Indiana Fairfield Inn.

Bought a car on our way home in Alexandria, KY. We had checked it out on our way up and it had been on my mind the whole trip. Got a great bargain on it to and was exactly what we had been looking for.

All in All a great, very memorable trip to Coaster Chaos at Indiana Beach.

TAke it easy,

Nice TR. Glad to hear the coasters at IB are running nicely.

Wash away us all. Take us with the floods.

Yea!! Sounds a like an awesome trip! And a great report too :-D. It builds the excitement for me about going there in June. I cannot wait to go there!! Do you think that CE will be running without many problems?? Please let me know. Awesome trip report again!!! :-D

X Looks Awesome! Oh Yea!!

Thanks Saxplayer,

Cornball was running great on the first run out of the gates on opening day. The problems it was having concerned only grease covering the sensors which was disallowing the lap bars from opening up upon the return to the station. Also you can look forward to riding the new LoCoSuMo (Lost Coaster of Superstition Mountain) which looks to be unique and full of fun elements.

Take it easy, DAC

Dale: How was the Lost Coaster? How are the wait times for Hoosier Hurricane & Cornball Express? I will be going to Indiana Beach on June 2nd 1st visit ever caint wait!

Valleyfair Security 2002! 8Years working at Valleyair :)! SRM, Coastermainia CP, Kings Island June 9th, Timbers Fest. May29th-June10th less than 2weeks :)!

Thanks Dale! I shall be looking forward to riding CE and Lost Coaster of Superstition Mountain next month!!

Take care!

X Looks Awesome! Oh Yea!!

The Beast said:

Dale: How was the Lost Coaster? How are the wait times for Hoosier Hurricane & Cornball Express? I will be going to Indiana Beach on June 2nd 1st visit ever caint wait!

Beast: A 10 minute wait for a ride at IB is considered long! But I do know there will be a lot of enthusiasts on June 2nd post SRM. I hope you can experience the Beach at night---park open till 11 p.m.

LoCoSuMo (Moosh trademark) opens Friday.

*** This post was edited by IB*Dave on 5/14/2002. ***

Answer for the Beast,

Lost Coaster is scheduled to be completed later this month. We were given a walk through part of the ride to view construction by the park owner, Tom Spackman Jr. It looks to be very unique and fun with some wild elements. The car will actually be lifted via an elevator type life at the begining of the ride. June 1 should be a great time to visit IB. Being a Saturday is may be a little crowded but not overly so. We had gone in early June last year on a Friday night and waits for Cornball and Hoosier Hurricane were only two or three trains at the most. Make sure to not overlook Frankenstein's Castle. Even though it's an add on, it's well worth the $3.00 charge. Have fun on your first trip to IB. Looking forward to reading your TR. Make sure you stay for the night session of rides as the park is especially electric with the neon glowing everywhere.

Take it easy, DAC

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