Indiana Beach Sued?

When did this take place at Indiana Beach? Let alone a woman suffering so many injuries

I never heard of this issue, has anyone else? I have been to Indiana Beach once and it wasn't that bad of a place. *** Edited 5/22/2006 6:39:46 PM UTC by Gorman***

That's pretty depressing news. It's not like the park is an unsafe place- it's actually one of the most well-run parks in the industry.
janfrederick's avatar
Unfortunately the skyride is on a second story building so if there are loading problems, there isn't much time befopre things can turn really bad.

I know Santa Cruz, which has a similar ride, has nets just past the station. I forget if IB had those or if in this situation if it would have helped.

"I go out at 3 o' clock for a quart of milk and come home to my son treating his body like an amusement park!" - Estelle Costanza
And people wonder why Skyrides have vansihed from parks over the years.

Wouldn't a simple sensor have prevented this?



They are a bit dangerous when loading and unloading, but I still don't think they should all be removed. I don't think they're any more dangerous than half the rides you'll find in parks...
I find this one hard to believe. That skyride moves very slowly, there is more than enough walkway for even the slowest person to get on, and the e-stop is within easy reach of the operators. I tried to find another source, but only one link came up in google. That one link leads to a blank page.

Jeffrey Seifert said:
I tried to find another source, but only one link came up in google. That one link leads to a blank page.

So is this made up or did this really happen? I, too, cannot find anything else. :(

I think that IB's skyride like any, while fun, is very dangerous (then again arent just about all rollercoasters :) )

Anyway, The ride op should have handled the situation a lot better then yelling for help.

oh man, that bites. I'm scared to death of those rides, and I ski.

Read the story underneath that one about a park worker of a kiddie train getting decapitated. *** Edited 5/22/2006 8:42:51 PM UTC by FLYINGSCOOTER***

SkyRider7 said:Anyway, The ride op should have handled the situation a lot better then yelling for help.

If that's really what happened. Let's consider the source.

Yes, this happened. Am I really the only one who remembers it?


This is unrelated to incident in question, but the site linked in the original post makes my eyes bleed.
Hey, I have an idea. Let's collect stories about accidents that have happened in amusement parks and carnivals over the past decade. Then put bylines and dates on them to make it look like they all happened in the past week.
stoogemanmoe's avatar
My fiance and her husband had the kids at IB a few years ago and her daughter was 4 and my fiance was turned around trying to put her daughter in the seat and the Op was not paying attention. My fiance was moving backward with the seat and was trying to get in the seat with her daughter and she slipped and got her leg caught under the seat with her toes dragging behind the back of the seat, and her jacket got caught on one of the safety bars. Everyone was yeiing for the op to stop the ride and he just froze not knowing what to do. Her husband at the time was smart and ran over and hit the stop button. To make matters worse, they went to go and get a wheel chair and IB tried to charge them for renting the wheel chair. Don't get me wrong, I love IB but the op could have used some better training of what to do in an emergency. She still has alot of problems with her knee too. *** Edited 5/22/2006 11:23:47 PM UTC by stoogemanmoe***

My Beautiful wife, Julia, is the best thing that has ever happened to me!

RatherGoodBear said:
Hey, I have an idea. Let's collect stories about accidents that have happened in amusement parks and carnivals over the past decade. Then put bylines and dates on them to make it look like they all happened in the past week.

I agree with you 100% It seems as if they are just adding story after story. However, I know when I showed my wife these stories (she's unknowledgable when it comes to amusement parks, sorry, hunny ;) ) she was kind of amazed. So of course she showed everyone in her office building and they too asked, "does stuff like this really happen?"

If anything, whoever runs this ASO clearly is trying to show amusement parks in a really dim light. And that's not cool! :(

I enjoy my stays at IB just as much as the next person, However I dont beleive the staff at that park is well trainned to handle things like those stated above.

Of course any person could get scared during a situation but still, I think the ride op should have handled the situation alot better then it was handled.

Just an FYI, but the Indiana Beach skyride does have the safety nets after the station platform. I always thought a ride like this could be kind of dangerous...Indiana Beach is always being sued, that poor little park (and usually for dumb things, not ride accidents)!

Eric [url=""]Facebook[/url]

Gorman said:

I have been to Indiana Beach once and it wasn't that bad of a place.

I actually think its better than "not that bad".

I was on this ride when the woman fell off. I came home that night and asked on Coasterbuzz if anyone else was there. No one was.

The stop was apparently was hit at some point because I was on the ride for 20 mintutes stuck in the middle, unaware of what was happening.

I'm still perplexed as to how anyone could not get seated in time.

Glitch, I havn't seen you post for awhile. I figured you were busy with drum core or something.

My mistake, this is an entirely different incident than the one I was refering to. I actually didn't realize that this had happened but I am still perplexed. *** Edited 5/23/2006 3:25:42 AM UTC by Wabash Cannonball***

No drum core for me :) just busy with a new job. And I agree, it is pretty confusing as to how someone couldn't get on the seat in time. This whole thing sounds kind of fishy. You either get on or you don't. If you weren't on in time, why would you grab the seat and drag yourself off the platform? It wouldn't be that hard to just move aside...but I guess that would mean you'd have to use common sense.

Eric [url=""]Facebook[/url]
I actually remember hearing about this too. I want to say it happened in 2003 or 2004.

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