Indiana Beach August 10th.....Long.

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stoogemanmoe's avatar

My fiance, her kids and I got to the park Friday night, the 9th and walked around the park, planning our line of attack for Saturday the 10th. This trip was more for the kids as I really wanted them to have a fantastic time. We went to The Hoosier Hurricane 1st and sat in the 3rd car. We chose these seats because the kids were really anxious to get on the I love this coaster but the air time just isnt there until night. I like to either sit in the front or the back. It was a nice ride, but nothing to write home and tell anyone about, except for the fantasic turn around that goes no holds barred around the south end of the board walk with a cool view of the ferris wheel. Next it was to Cornball Express. What can I say but that this ride totally blows me away every time I ride it.

We sat in the last car, all of us except for my fiances 9 year old daughter as she was dying to go to the water park so it was to the waterpark we went, An hour and a half in the lazy river was fun but now I'm paying for it. Can you say sunburn? I forgot the sunburn lotion. After the waterpark we went and rode the Den of Lost Theves. The new green guns really suck. I got a high score of I usually get alot higher. Still kinda a fun ride but I really miss the Mystery Mansion. Next the kids wanted to go thru Frankenstein's Castle. If you ever go to this great Park, you HAVE to go thru this walkthru attraction! I was at awe of how cool this thing was. My fiance's daughter screamed her azz off when we went thru the hallway with the I laughed my azz Ive been thru this a few times and the Guy thrashing in the electric chair wasn't there or working. Was kinda disspointed not to see it. Next, the boys wanted to go do the Gunboat Tag thing. We had a good time firing ball at them trying to disable their guns. I like to aim for the space between the gun barrel and the opening of it, trying to hit them inside. Next it was of to Lost Coaster Of Superstition Mountain. Was the engineer at CCI a sado masicist? All I can say is " what the heck was that? I rode it forwards and we made the boys ride backwards for their 1st time. I couldn't beleive all the tight turns and drops this thing has. It's truly a masterpiece. Next it was back to Cornball and a great ride as usual! I love this coaster so much!

While in line for the cornball I got to meet Rideman! How cool was this! I was wearing my Coasterbuzz shirt and he was behind us and when he saw my shirt he said " I have to ask anyone wearing a CB shirt, I have to ask what their nic and name is" I laughed and told him who I was and we made small talk. This guy is cool folks. You have to meet him! Also while were in line for Locosumo, we ran into a guy who said his nic on Coasterbuzz was "Wildone? Anyone remember this guy? Anyway, after Cornball it was off to the Skyroom for a fantasic meal of Primerib and Getting to see my good friend IB Dave. We also got to see TomSpackman Sr. enjoying a nice Skyroom visit. It was really great to see him in good health! I went up to him and thanked him for a fantastic park, And the man smiled from ear to ear. I could tell that he really appreciated me saying that. We saw him earlier walking along the north end of the Lazy River looking things over and watching the Double Shot. I took the boys on the Double shot for their first time ever on a S&S ride and they loved it! It was really funny to see the look on their faces when we got off. The kids decided after that, that they wanted to go back to the room.

I couldn't believe they were pooping So my fiance and I decided would go and hit Cornball, and HH some more. At night Cornball flys!!! I laugh my butt off everytime I ride this thing. The thing is insane at night. Well that's most of my trip report except I forgot to tell ya about the WaterBallon game on the parking lot side of the board walk. It was me and Julia's Daughter against the boys. We started off using the sling shots to propel the waterballons and after the second shot I got off the boys started just nailing us by just whiiping the balloons at It was kinda like the Three Stooges during the pie fight scene. The crowd thought we were We got soaking wet, but damn it felt good.

Also, when you go to Indiana Beach don't eat at the Beecher Grill. We did and it was really nasty, with poor service and terrible terrible food, and so many flys that I had hit so many of them my food got COLDER! The Burger-Shake is the best value for your dollar if you want burgers and frys + the food is good! I bought for 5 people and the total bill was only 18$. At A Six flags park the same order would have been around 60$.

Beer, my soon to be wife, coasters, and the FREEDOM OF SPEECH. Is this a great country or what!!

*** This post was edited by stoogemanmoe on 8/12/2002. ***

*** This post was edited by stoogemanmoe on 8/12/2002. ***

Wow, why on gods green earth do I keep putting off visiting this park? I tell myself I am going to take my daughter on "insert day here" and then when the time comes I back out. UGHHH!!!!! Neither one of us have ever been here and she is pressuring me hard to go.

Anyway, great TR. Having the kids really makes the experience even more fulfilling. Hey Stooge, when I definitely have a day set that I am going to visit, I will email you. Since you live relatively close to IB, maybe we could hook up with the kids.

Ric Flair was hitting on the female host, he told her - "Space Mountain may be the oldest ride in the park, but it has the longest line." WOOOOO!

stoogemanmoe's avatar
That would be fantstic Chitown! I just started a new job in April and right now my scheduld is kinda a hit or miss situation ,but we'll definately take you up on it! You have to hit this park Chitown! The tacky signs, the food, the rides, God this park is soo much fun, that when you leave at night you feel like a little kid going home from the park ready to cry becuase you have to I should have took more pics of the signs in the park. I post the pics of my trip on my sight in a day so so.

Beer, my soon to be wife, coasters, and the FREEDOM OF SPEECH. Is this a great country or what!!

moe - Nice TR, but don't forget the lotion next time! Glad you guys had a good trip.

Chitown - Get to IB right now! What are you waiting for? It's so cool and so close! :)

"When will you stop all your buzzing?" - The Flaming Lips "Oh My Pregnant Head"

*** This post was edited by chris on 8/12/2002. ***

Yes, I know, I know. :)

I am going to go slap myself around a few times. ;)

""To be the man, WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!, You got to beat the man""!!!

Every time I read an IB TR, I start checking my schedule looking for an open date. Time is quickly running out for this season. What were the crowds like on a Saturday?

Did you stay at the IB Motel? For those planning an overnight trip to Monticello, I highly recommend it. There's nothing like waking up early and heading out for a stroll on the Boardwalk before the park opens.

Car 5 on DoLT still has the old orange guns. Take a ride in car 5 and remember what it used to be like. Look down into the barrel of the new green guns and you'll see the problem. There is no way those guns are hitting much.

Hoosier Hurricane is a fine coaster but I don't even ride it until evening. The speed it gains over the course of the day is amazing. Watch the train glide to a stop when it hits the brakes during the day and compare that to the abrupt, whiplash inducing stops at the end and you'll know all you need to know about HH!

About Cornball...I finally made it to MiA last weekend and CE is still my number 1 coaster, wood or otherwise. 'Nuff said.

Very nice TR.

Great to see you as always, Barry. I asked about the guns since they're giving you Den fans fits...was told they require more accuracy. Oh well, guess you need to do the ride more!

IBSteve: Saturday was the busiest day of this season. Parking lots were jammed. The previous Saturday the SkyRoom set a record in sales.

Sounds like IB is having a great year!

Chitown - You still have 3 more weekends until IB closes up for this year!

GlitchCam Returns...if you thought the Subdivision Cam was something, wait untill you see this.
According to the general public, lots of coasters go straight down.

This is a park not to be missed...just like Holiday World. Cornball Express is worth the trip in itself. If anyone plans on going before August 27th, Burger king has buy one get one free coupons for Monday and Tuesday. ( I got my tickets at the burger king next to Great America).

Buy one get one free...what? wristbands? tickets?

I might just go to that Burger King!

I got kicked off, but I'm back!

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