1) ROM-eo and Juli8 Expert -- a good entry-level expert song. Perfect amount of "hands" and a nice "mines" section, good mix of crossovers, double-stepping and 16th-note runs, and it sounds great.
2) Remember December Hard -- I love the gallop section in the middle and the mine/freeze section.
3) Delirium Hard -- Best stops ever in a rhythm game: six stops right in a row, then a really neat speed-up for about a half-second before continuing. The rest of the song is a nonstop 8th-note run - woot.
4) That Sound Expert -- Great song, and the steps follow the music nicely.
5) Bend Your Mind Hard -- Just a bizarre song... TONS of hands and weird spastic 16th-note runs. But fun.
Until then, I guess I'll just have to go off of the ones I've heard only.
1. Incognito(ITG2)
2. Xuxa
3. Lemmings on the Run
4. Utopia
5. July
I haven't played the other songs you mentioned enough to remember if they're good or not. :)
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