"Here's my ten cence, my two cence is free"-Eminem
Arena football has arrived in the Windy City. Go "Chicago Rush"
Whenever you can ride a roller coaster and experience 15 spots of intense airtime, you know you're on a good coaster. (see: Phoenix)
If practice makes perfect but noone is perfect, then why practice.
Bob M.
One summer, I worked with a group of Belgians. At a party, one of them told me how much he hated American beer. I asked him which brand he tried...he told me "Root".
"SOME people have NO class!" - Mom from the Whizzer queue
Whenever you can ride a roller coaster and experience 15 spots of intense airtime, you know you're on a good coaster. (see: Phoenix)
A.C.E. member since 1990
Posting @ Coasterbuzz since 2000
E.C.C. member since 2002
In spite of that, I've worked with people from other countries who were really bad...not many, but there were some. There was a guy from Korea who had is own version of the loading spiel for Whitewater Falls: "Get in, sit down, GO!"
Management transfered him out of rides after they figured out that we wasn't such a good fit.
"SOME people have NO class!" - Mom from the Whizzer queue
Between Marimbaguy and janfrederick, I was rollin for a good two minutes!
Might be because I have experience working with international employees at SFGAm and some of them were *awesome*! I totally love how they "speak their mind."
That reminds me of my trip to SFGAd this year when the [Polish?] ride op on Nitro said, "While sitting on hand rails [awkward pause]...get down."
It killed! :)
Top Thrill Dragster -- The most intense, unbelievable, and spectacular fifteen seconds on any coaster, anywhere, ever.
Is that a Q-bot in your pocket or are you just happy to see me?
"That's DOCTOR Evil. I didn't spend six years in evil medical school to be called 'Mr. Thank You Very Much.'"
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