I'll Miss You--OHIO

PA doesn't have tax on groceries either. But it gets a little weird when you go into a convenience store. Sodas in containers and from the fountain are taxable, juices and teas are not.

The whole thing is some definition of what's a "necessity" and what's not.

coasterqueenTRN's avatar
^Plus you usually have to go to a distributor if you want beer. ;)

Ohio and WV are much more liberal on their liquor laws. We sell it in convenience and grocery stores.

Then again you guys have Yuengling where WV/OH doesn't.

I have "smuggled" many a case of Yuengling Lager from PA. ;)


*** Edited 8/21/2006 2:15:54 AM UTC by coasterqueenTRN***

^I've done the same thing with a PA wines you can't get in Ohio.

Great Lakes Brewery Patron...


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