Iger to Markey on MagicBand: Your statements are "ludicrous and utterly ill-informed"

Posted | Contributed by Jeff

[Ed. note: While I generally try to just pass the news along, I've long since made it a habit to point out that Ed Markey is an attention whoring moron that appears hell bent on regulating the amusement industry, even when no one else in Congress is interested. For that reason, it brings me great joy to see Bob Iger stop just short of calling him, well, an attention whoring moron. -J]

Walt Disney Co. chairman-CEO Robert Iger is pushing back against Rep. Edward Markey's concern that a new theme park wristband program may "have a harmful impact on our children," calling the Massachusetts lawmaker's public statements "ludicrous and utterly ill-informed."

From Iger's letter:

We are offended by the ludicrous and utterly ill-informed assertion in your letter dated January 24, 2013, that we would in any way haphazardly or recklessly introduce a program that manipulates children, or wantonly puts their safety at risk.

It is truly unfortunate and extremely disappointing that you chose to publicly attack us before taking the time to review our policies and/or contact us for information, which would have obviated the need for your letter. Had you or your staff made the slightest effort, you would have found most of the answers to your questions already existed and were publicly available online at http://corporate.disney.go.com/corporate/pp.html and https://disneyworld.disney.go.com/faq/my-disney-experience/privacy-policy/.

Read more from Variety and Deadline Hollywood.

rollergator's avatar

I agree wholeheartedly, except I don't believe Iger did "stop short" - he flat-out called it!

We're going to have these privacy discussions for the remainder of time. Yes, there are concerns in general. But not every time that information is exchanged does there need to be a hue and cry...

bjames's avatar

For the longest time I thought Markey represented Western MA where SFNE is...turns out his district is the Boston suburbs. Why the hell does he concern himself so much with the amusement industry? It seems like it would be irrelevant to most of his constituency.

In the enclosed attachment, we address the questions in your letter about our new, yet-to-be­ launched program, MyMagic+. However, to ensure that you fully understand our practices as they pertain to children, and our commitment to our guests’ privacy, let me be clear and reiterate the basic facts.

Yeah, I think he pretty much called him an attention-whoring moron.

I think Iger's only mistake is assuming that Markey is actually concerned with facts.

Vater's avatar

I apologize in advance for the crudity and TMI, but I damn near orgasmed when I read Iger's letter.

What's sad is that I just got done reading some comments on a Disney Park site where people are actually saying that he is doing a good thing. Apparently in their little world they have never heard of him before.

The most ludicrous thing is that the answers to many of Markey's questions were not just on Disney's web site where Iger pointed them out... (note: I have not yet read the text of Iger's letter, just the text of this news item...but I did read Markey's letter)...but IN THE TEXT OF THE VERY PRESS RELEASE THAT MARKEY WAS RESPONDING TO!

I've about decided that Markey is not merely an ill-informed attention whore with a major sore spot for the amusement industry, he also appears to be functionally illiterate...

--Dave Althoff, Jr.

    /X\        _      *** Respect rides. They do not respect you. ***
/XXX\ /X\ /X\_ _ /X\__ _ _ _____

Dave, I'd describe it as "selectively illiterate," much in the same way my children are "selectively hard of hearing." I can be right next to them and ask them to take out the trash, and they won't hear me. But if I whisper "I might make some brownies this afternoon" from the opposite side of the house, they are instantly aware of it.

^^ I heard that from here.

"Look at us spinning out in the madness of a roller coaster" - Dave Matthews Band

Jeff's avatar

Not generally a fan of the National Review, but this is a good opinion piece about Markey, and spot-on with facts: http://www.nationalreview.com/articles/340033/ed-markey-s-peculiar-...-c-w-cooke

Jeff - Editor - CoasterBuzz.com - My Blog

Jason Hammond's avatar

Great article.

884 Coasters, 34 States, 7 Countries
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Vater's avatar

Great article. And website. But I'm sure it comes as no surprise that I am a fan of National Review. :)

Nailed it. Now if the citizens of Massachusetts would only wake up and not send him back to Congress .

Vater's avatar

That's a tall order for the people that kept electing Ted Kennedy to the Senate for nearly half a century.

They kept re electing him because he was a Kennedy.

Jeff's avatar

Markey is no Kennedy.

Jeff - Editor - CoasterBuzz.com - My Blog

Lord Gonchar's avatar

Ted was no Kennedy.

...or maybe he was.

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