If Only Knott's Kept Them All...

If Knott's had kept most of the rides they removed in the few years back, they would basically be a "Kennywood" on the west coast. Why? Some of these rides were very rare and were not found in most parks or were a ground breaking attraction. Well here are some -

The Parachute Sky Jump was one of the few remaining parachute tower rides in the world before it closed in spring of 1999 due to lack of ridership and high maintenance costs. It was also the first modern day version of the parachute ride, patterned after the Coney Island model and allowed for rides such as The Great Gasp and The Texas Chute-Out to exist.

The Wacky Soap Box Derby Racers was the only single-rail roller coaster operating in the United States from the time it was at the park from 1976 to 1996. It was also one of only two four track racing roller coasters in the world. This venerable ride was sadly replaced with Windjammer.

The Haunted Shack opened in the early 1950s in Ghost Town and set a trend for the modern day amusement park haunted house (Haunted Mansion). This walk through attraction hosted numerous bizzare illusions and sights. The structure was removed this year because of weak earthquake resistant foundations as well as other reasons.

The Corkscrew (now at Silverwood Park,Idaho) was the first modern day roller coaster to turn riders upside down successfully. The ride opened in 1975 and featured a double corkscrew element and heights of 70 FT. This legendary roller coaster opened the door to the endless possiblities of inversions. The Boomerang currently sits on the Corkscrew's old location.

*** This post was edited by kRaXLeRidAh on 6/11/2001. ***
I'm glad you mentioned the Soap Box Racers, that was one of my favorite coasters of all time, although it was also the only steeplechase-type coaster I've been on. I still can't believe they took it down for that other piece of garbage. Why would anyone want to tear down themed coasters, especially ones they don't make anymore? (Unless you are disney and all of your rides are themed)
The principal reason why these rides were removed is simple. The general manager of Knotts before CF bought it had formerly been the GM of Magic Mountain. When he came in,there was a concerted effort to attract the teen market like he had done at MM.He made life miserable for Hurlbut Amusement Co.(who had the concession for most of the rides since the early fifties)so he sold out.When CF came in he was the first to go. *** This post was edited by Dutchman on 6/12/2001. ***
staticman00's avatar
That guy sux. Just cause MM decided it didn't need soul or atmosphere didn't mean he had to take Knott's away. I just consider myself lucky to have been to the 'Farm before most of those rides were taken out.

"Hanging from their T's rated PG insight, I'm not selling my soul if there's nothing to buy."
that seems to explain why they would put in the wind jammer... i guess he could have been convinced that it was a more teen-oriented racing coaster....

So is Soap Box Derby totally scrapped? All the cars and tracks? If not I hope they attempt to rebuild or relocate it. I just have so many memories on that ride, and I haven't been on any other steeplechase rides (there's only one left in the UK, correct?)

The one at Blackpool looks like a really fun ride and I hope I can get then in a few years before anything happens too it. Hopefully, it will have a long life though. Thanks Kraxle for giving us a little history lesson.


Why did Knotts get rid of Corkscrew? It seems strange to me that it was so shortlived.

"Clear, Dispatch"
The Corkscrew had a low rph and took up a fair amount of space. It was cutting edge technolgy when it was built,but was soon overshadowed by later versions.
Corkscrew was seriously outdated
I hope CF replaces the one @ MA as well
Hopefully with a new arrow
Come to think of it get rid of CP's too.
Why didn't they keep Windjammer???


Everybodys got something to hide except for me and my monkey!
Because it didn't work, that's why.
I think a giga hyper coaster would help Knott's Berry Farm in the future.
A giga hyper? Is that 300 x 200 feet = 60,000 feet? Wow, that would be fun! ;)
Soggy's avatar
The KBF corkscrew was not really all that short lived, 1975 through 1989. 15 years is a good lifespan for a small steel coaster. Maybe the corkscrew design was overshadowed and had low capacity, but look at the replacement. Another low capacity run-of-the-mill small looper. Odd.

As for the Soap Box / Windjammer decision, THAT defies ANY rational explanation whatsoever. I hope Knott's has learned from past mistakes. Then again, now being a CF park, things look good.

"X" marks the spot in 2001!
Yes,Soggy, CF does tend to think things out. A darn sight better than former VP/GM there. He was bounced out of MM when SF came in so it's only fitting that he got bounced when CF bought "The Farm".

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