If Deja-vu and V2 dont open on May 5th at SFGAm?

I say, who cares. Yes, we all want to experience the new scream machines but remember that if you have a season pass, then does it really matter? Even if they arent open you still can experience the other coasters that you have been itching and-a-scratching over for 6 months. Enjoy the relief of coaster withdrawal and in due time the new beasts will be available for even more goodness that we all crave.

I agree. I feel the same way.

I can kind of sympathize with those that might miss their only chance to ride this year. I have a day to kill between flights in LA this August, and I'll be disappointed if X isn't ready yet (I don't know when this prototype will be open, noone knows FOR SURE), as it will be my one and only chance to ride it this year. Like you said, if I was a season pass holder, it wouldn't matter.

- Peabody
I plan on going the first weekend the new coasters are operating. If it happens that the coasters opening dates are really spread out from each other, I'll just catch the new one and see if I can make it again later in the year to ride the other. No big deal :)

Will be at Busch Gardens Williamsburg April 28th.
I just hope one is ready and i really think V2 will be ready for opeing day if not the week after. i remember raging bull wasnt open for opening weekend two years ago
Well I would agree, but I think I'll wait until at least one opens. I do not want to know what it feels like to go to a park and just look at a completed ride like; "wow, I bet that's a blast, too bad I can't ride it." I've never had that feeling before, and I don't want to experience it. If they're testing it, that will be even worse. I'll wait for a while, but I won't wait too long.

yea i soo want it to be compleated it looks soo awsome. and well this is my first time witnessing a construction of a coaster so its just getting me more excited to ride it
Well I have been getting very good reports from a friend who is tracking V2 and Deja Vu's progress. It looks like V2 will be ready on time, in if not, a week later.. Deja Vu looks like it is going up fast now...
I'm hearing alot of disappointment from people because most of the SF rides are opening late in the season. But remember, we have YEARS to ride these coasters, they won't turn into pumpkins at the end of the year. I certainly can understand the excitement though.
I plan on going opening day. To me it sort of would make a difference because, i just rode a bunch of costers and i am in the groove now and it is hard to wait. Otherwise, i agree that we will ride it sooner or later. I have a season pass, and being there probably once a weekend, it won't matter. But i can't wait for them to open.

I say--

If you are a true lover of your park, it wouldn't matter if only one coaster was open, you would go. I am a lover of SFWoA, and I could care less if X-Flight is ready. It would be nice if it was, but no big deal if it's not. Same diff for SFGam. If you are a true lover of the park, you will go.
I have ridden the rides at SFGA a lot too but i still like them. I would settle without them. I am just getting antsy.

(answering the question)

I'll have to change my sig. ;)

May 5th, Gurnee, Illinois, "I'm sprinting for V2"

I hope at least V2 is up and ready,, I remember when Raging Bull was out,, that took like a month to wait for it..
AMERICAN EAGLE!! (RED TRAIN)BABY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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