If a second & successful S&S 4D were to be built. Would CF, Busch or Paramount buy one?

Would there be a demand to build more? How popular is X at SFMM? As a side note: Intamin has had many problems with some of their prototypes. Why do parks keep buying them?
You are asking questions that nobody can answer. So why are you doing it?

Except for your one question about X's popularity. That I can answer - and the answer is YES, it is extremely popular among visitors.

X is extremely popular yes but I hear the capacity is horrible.

i'm not sure what to put here..

If one were to be built? More than likely, It'll be going to Japan.

Oh, and Kraxaxelridah, he's asking because it is his choice to do so. Didn't know we had to okay questions by you first. *** Edited 8/1/2005 5:53:35 AM UTC by TeknoScorpion***

SFoGswim's avatar
Very interesting question! Thank you for posting! And I'm serious.

I don't think CF would invest in one. It just doesn't seem to be their style. Paramount probably would not, either, so I'm gonna go with Busch.

Welcome back, red train, how was your ride?!

But I would bet SFGAdv ends up with a new low-capacity parking lot ornament ...

Brett, Resident Launch Whore Anti-Enthusiast (the undiplomatic one)
Jeff's avatar
The companies you are talking about are among the few that could afford to build one in the first place. You're asking a chicken-egg question.

Jeff - Editor - CoasterBuzz.com - My Blog

*falls over laughing at SFGAdv and their parking lot ornaments* .... would that be a full set of 3 of them if they get the 4D? ;)

Nah, actually I have confidence in them getting things on track at GAdv. They really are trying this year to do things right. *** Edited 8/1/2005 4:46:47 PM UTC by dragonoffrost***

Watch the tram car please....
I think kinzel has one last surprise up his sleve......lets face it we are hearing next to nothing about CPs next coaster. It is all just speculation. It might not be a 4-d, but i say its something never done before, CP will hit its peak with its next coaster, just like sfmm did with x
Mamoosh's avatar
You're trying to be funny, right jar? Because that's one of funniest posts I've read in a LONG time! ;)
Yeah, SFMM hit a peak when installing a 4D. Thats why everyone is trying to get there, right moosh?

TeknoScorpion said:, he's asking because it is his choice to do so. Didn't know we had to okay questions by you first.

No kidding, Captain Obvious. I asked why he was asking questions that nobody here has because he's using it in a way to discreetly start a speculation thread that will go NOWHERE. 'Cause does anyone here know when or where or who is going to buy the next 4D-style coaster? NO.

Yes, it's already been bought and construction work started.

Real Cbuzz quote of the day - "The classes i take in collage are so mor adcanced then u could imagen. Dont talk about my emglihs" - Adamforce
Mamoosh's avatar
'Cause does anyone here know when or where or who is going to buy the next 4D-style coaster? NO.

Japan, 2006. This is REALLY old news.

Somebody call me?

*looks at this thread, shakes head*

Wow. So when is MiA getting their hypercoaster?

Guess I'll go watch the Voyage video again. :-P


NOTE: Severe fecal impaction may render the above words highly debatable.

Anyone from the East highly amused that someone from the West coast was actually behind the times? ;)
Where is the confirmation that a 4d is being built in Japan for 2006?

Fuji Q has only gave hints that they're building something new for 2006 but has not stated the type of coaster far as I know. The hints are in Japanese(sp) and just because someone claim to have translated them and they supposedly say something about 3 axle coaster doesn't make it 100% confirmed it's the S&S Arrow 4D. Also just because someone says Allen from S&S/Arrow supossedly said a 4d was sold and would be built in Japan, well wheres the proof of that it's just hearsay. So to my knowledge this is all just speculation and rumor until the park thats is suppose to be building one makes an announcement. *** Edited 8/2/2005 11:58:36 PM UTC by westcoaster man***

Mamoosh's avatar
wcman - it was printed in ECC's First Drop magazine's IAAPA round-up issue last year.
Oh thanks Moosh I've guess I made myself look like an idiot ............moving on now:O( lol
Mamoosh's avatar
LOL...you're not an idiot. FD reported that S&S said it had sold a 4D to a park in Japan for 2006. Nothing has officially been announced by any park in Japan, tho.

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