Ideas for Beech Bend Event

Hey I was wondering...

Do you suppose anyone here could convince Beech Bend to host an event the week that HW is doing theirs?

What kinds of ideas for an "Over the Top" event do you guys have?

I'm thinking of a "Beech Bender" night that has ERT well into the night.

Families with kids can be there for the first part of the evening, and "Die-Hards" could hang out until everyone gets sick of riding.

In any case, the event would have to be safe and have some "twist" that makes it different and attractive.


Can we have a dunk booth and soak the former Louisville Mascot? I'd pay money for that! Although I'm sure more people would want to "Dunk the Punk" especially Moosh after he gets pummeled on the bumper cars at Knoebels!

I'm still pulling for the ride to be named Frenzy so we can have the first every "Frenzy Fest". Or the "Beech Bend Blowout!"

I guess we will have to wait to name the event until the coaster is named.

Sick of riding? Do you remember what I did on Thunderhead? I'm sure there are plenty of people that could out do me.

coasterpunk said:Sick of riding? Do you remember what I did on Thunderhead? I'm sure there are plenty of people that could out do me.

Maybe, but that's what would be so cool. If the Beech Bend employees couldn't stay up til 4am, then we could get someone from GCI to operate the ride like they did when you did Thunderhead.

Chris would probably do it.

Mamoosh's avatar
I'm already working on an event at Beech Bend next year for my company, Chain Dog Media. We're the ones holding Coaster Alley Convergence @ Silverwood this year [see sig].

While the details are still long from being worked out Beech Bend [as well as the Dells parks] are where we're looking to hold our 2006 event. CAC will return but not until 2007 or 2008.

I would also suspect that the ACE rep is also trying to get something planned...I need to contact him.


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