Idea for IMAX theatres at parks.

I dont know if this has been done before except for a coaster type film that was at SFGAm back in the 80s where they showed some clips of coasters running the circuit in the Pictorium IMAX theatre. The film wasnt solely based on coasters but had some neat footage.

My thinking here is for the kiddies that arent tall enough to get on a coaster or the fearful ones of certain coasters. Example would be at SFGAm where an IMAX theatre exists and if you ever have been in one you know that it provides a feeling of actually experiencing what is shown on the screen(most of the time). Why not tape all of the coasters in the park, produce a small movie package, and then have it play in the IMAX? You could call it "Face your fears!!!" or some other corny name. Small fries and those scared of a coaster can sit in an auditorium seat and experience some of the sensations of the coaster in that park that they are afraid of. Even coaster enthusiasts would enjoy this on a hot day in air conditioning and relaxing for awhile. If I am not mistaken, CP has an IMAX also.

""Coaster riding is a disease and SFGAm is the cure!!!!!!!""
Actually, I think like a 3-D movie on this would be good. Oh, with moving seats also!
Yeah that wuld be really tight and all. 3-D and moving seats sound good! I think they should do that!

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Yeah, I forgot about the motion seat theatres. That would intensify it some more. Their is an arcade out here near Chicago called Enchanted Castle which has a motion seat theatre. One of the films is a wooden coaster(dont know the name of the coaster) so I decided to try it. Man, they had those seats rocking so hard throughout the circuit of the ride that I reaggravated my back pain problems. But otherwise it was kinda cool.
""Coaster riding is a disease and SFGAm is the cure!!!!!!!""
Isn't there an IMAX movie called Thrill Ride? I've never seen it and heard it wasn't very good, but just mentioning something. I think the coasters in 3-D would be a cool idea though. I would check it out. Better than Michael Jordan to the Max which I've seen upteen times already.

Everything above was my opinion.If you disagree,please respond in an intelligent fashion.But before you post,I warn you that some people say I'm just too smart to understand. Please take that into consideration.

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