IB Trip Report 5-17-02

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Well, I tried to get a media day pass, but to no avail. I decided to dich school for a day anyways, to hopefully try out the brand spanking new LCoSM, but that just was not to be.

I woke up a little late in the morning, but got to IB
just a few minutes before opening. Went in and got my wristband and heades straight towards the LCoSM, and saw the bad news. People standing around, looking, and the coaster was obviously not going to run today.

BTW, LCoSM looks incredible and I cannot wait to get a ride in!

By the looks of things, they finally got the elevator running (I saw them testing this later in the day), the track work appears almost complete, but there's still much more to be done. A few more days and they probably could have run a bare-bones ride like I believe they were hoping for on media day, but it was not happening today.

Now, I wasn't about to let this put my day out at all, so I headed straght for the best coaster at IB, the cornball express. The ol' cornball was running great for the morning, especially considering the weather, but the night rides once the park emptied were incredible. Dave commented that these were probably the best laterals he's ever had on the coaster, and I know he's gotten more than a few rides in.

Later on while riding I met a local radio personality that just happened to need an interview, and I gratefully accepted his invitation. Went over to the main midway right in front of the car ride and proceeded to be questioned as one of "the midwest's most knowledgable and experienced coaster enthusiasts". I don't know what the guy was talking about, but I took the compliment anyways.

The guy made a huge deal out of my 42 coaster track record, and really had high regaurds to cornball, on and off the air. It was fun to do the interview, although it's a little odd doing a completely spontaneous interview live on the air. It went from "sooooo, did you ride _____" and other general conversation to "Hey, this is ____ live at Indiana beach..." instantly, so I really didn't have time to prepare, but that's o.k.

One interesting note, while waiting in line, I saw that Tig'rr coaster had vallied due to the cold weather. The attendant ended up climbing to the top and pushing them over the crest of the small hill, and they made their way through the rest of the circut, no big deal there.

I ended up a while later at DR. Frankensteins Haunted Castle, and went through with a few people I recognized from other events but had never really spoken with. I don't believe that any are posters here, so I guess names probably won't help. We stuck together throughout the day, and I plan on meeting up with these guys a few more times this season.

We went to the Tig'rr soon after for a set meeting spot on a below post, but found nobody to be there, so we just rode. We came extremely close to a vally on the last upwards hill on the ride, just before the final helix (the likelyhood of a valley was so much today that they didn't run a car until the other was over this last uphill part).

We took more than our fair share of Den of Lost Theives rides throughout the day, (I set my new personal single rider record of 760!) and also did double shot (notably more intense on the first shot than opening day, although nothing like the past) and various other rides.

After a couple of VERY cold log flume rides (why? I dunno...) everyone pretty much headed their seperate ways. I headed towards the skyroom for dinner with some fellow enthusiasts, and was introduced to some for the first time, although it was hard to even say hi from where I was sitting.

After dinner, me and just two others braved the rain, wind, and 40* Temps for some absolutely FANTASTIC cornball rides, the best I've ever had (the same as previously mentioned) and some very nice but very chill Hoosier Hurrican rides.

Dave decided it was too darn cold, I don't blame him, though, I would've too if I wasn't a two hour drive from the park, but we were determined to make the most of our day. Took one ride on Den of Lost Theives, which was still a walk on as it had been a few hours earlier, and that's a rarity for a ride that dispatches two riders every thirty seconds.

At this point, I would be surprised if there were 25 people left in the park. We headed towards the bumper cars, which were then turned onto a continuous circut, so the ride didn't stop unless somebody wanted off or on. We rode for about an hour without getting out of the seats, talk about a headache! I was extremely sore trying to get up this morning.

The bumper cars were soon shut down, as was the rest of the park. I had sure gotten my share of rides today, and without a doubt had a great day at Indiana Beach. I guess there is more than corn in Indiana, although not too much more! :-)

LOL...when do you think Locosumo will be open?? I hope it is soon. Great TR!

X Looks Awesome! Oh Yea!!

The coaster should be open this weekend according to Denise. I have photos of the event and the Lost coaster at http://www.geocities.com/midwestamusementparks/midwest.htm

I know the URL is long, I'm working on it.

You can hear the laughter, you can hear the mighty roar. From the brickyard down in Indy to the white Chicago shore. It's a rollin', twistin', turnin' and might we both suggest. You get you fanny ridin' on the Cornball Express!


Hey I post on here sometimes. Nice getting a chance to hang with you on Friday. Hope to do it again soon.


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