IB, Lakemont, Knoebels, DP, HP 7/25-29 Pt1

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Well dave and I had another one of our heroic coaster conquests and i rode my 100th coaster. Anyway things started off like this.

On Thursday i set off from my house in Michigan to dave's house in Indy with a stop along the way at IB. I got theer at 11:30 at the south Entrance. Corny was running unbeivably, I got 20 total rides in. best seat being backseat left side.

LoCoSuMo wins the title of the worlds most violent coaster. Holy cow its forceful, but not rough. Very fun and unique though. 2 Rides both backwards on this thing and it was my 83rd coaster.

Hoosier Hurricane was running well but it still has no air.

Tigg'rr was very fun and quite forceful. I have been to IB before but only for 15 mins and I just rode HH and Cornball. 84th coaster.

Galaxie was also fun with some good air in the backseat. 85th coaster.

I also rode Double Shot which was not as forceful as I was led to believ. The falling Star. Den of Lost Theives which was a lot of fun but neither gun worked And the skyride and the Train which both gave great views.

I ate at Tigg'rrs Den which was reasonable and cool as you here the coaster roaring overhead.

On to Dave's and the next part of our trip.


There was no one here. First ride was Leap the Dips. it was a lot more fun then I had expected. Got to rides total. My 86th coaster.

Next up was the Mouse which i have to say is the best mouse ever. the single seat no restraint cars are just awesome. Got some good photos as well. My 87th Coaster.

Next up the Skyliner which is a great old woodie with some serious air in the back. I no handed it the entire way which was scary to say the least. My 88th coaster. Got about 4 rides total.

Next was the little leaper my 89th coaster and almost Dave's last and the restraint mechanism actually broke and Dave was almost thown out. Thank god it was him and he was able to hold himself in as opposed to a little kid. very scary. Took a trip to the First Aid station to fix up his gashes and on to Knoebel's.

Knoebel's I LOVE THIS PARK!!!!

Such an awesome atmosphere and a sleeper hit is one of my new top five woodies.

I love the grown in tree feeling, it feels like a county fair.

First ride was Phoenix which did not live up to the hype for me. It was fun but lacked a lot. My 90th coaster.

Next up was whirlwind which O found smooth, enjoyable and very grown in. My favorite corkscrew coaster and my 91st coaster.

Next up is the sleeper hit of the Century. Twister. From the turn around on the lift to the double helix this thing never lets up. Smooth, fast, laterals, air this coaster is truly amazing and I loved it. My 92nd coaster.

We rode the Fliers which are the best at snapping I have ever rode, also rode the whip, and the carousel. I am sorry to say I took home a ring as a souvenier. I feel bad now and I think I will send it back. We checked out the museum and had a great meal at the International Food plac next to the parchute drop. This is one of my top 5 favorite parks now. I bought a Phoenix/Twister T-Shirt for 12 bucks.

Next up we took a trip to Hershey to set up Camp at teh campground. The next morning we headed to Dorney.

Dorney screams Cedar fair. If Talon were on the other side of the Midway and green I would swear this was CP. The place was packed but we got in four coasters in a couple hours.

First up was Thunderhawk which is a great ol out and back woodie. Very very fun my 93rd coaster.

Next was Steel Force which I have to say has air aplenty in the back seat. Smooth, fast and with a great g filled turnaround. My 94th coaster.

Next was hercules which I have to say was everything I expected from a Summer's and Dinn coaster. ROUGH!!!! Not painful but most likely because I have rode MS so many times. Anyway the brakes ta the top of the hill brought our train to a DEAD STOP!!! Unbeleivable. My 95th Coaster.

Next up was talon which was very good but not as good as raptor and I don't think as good as Great bear even. My 96th coaster.

We didn't ride the mouse as I didn't feel like waiting an hour for a regular mouse and laser broke down just as we were about to get on. I bought a Tie Dye dorney T-Shirt for my Girlfriend to go with her Tie Dye MIA and CP shirts.

From Dorney we headed to the PA RR Museum as we always need to get our train fix in and then back to Hershey to use our Tix for a preview night.

Hershey is in my top 3 favorite parks. Clean, beautiful and fun.

First up Super Dopper Looper Which was loads and loads of sooper dooper fun LOL. Weak by todays standards but Unique. My 97th Coaster.

Next Great Bear which earns a spot just below Raptor as a favorite Invert. I loved the speed track behinf Sooper Dooper Looper. My 98th coaster.

Next was Sidewinder my 99th coaster which was very smooth, both boomerangs I have been on were great .Very very fun. Go to Part 2 for the rest.

All I need is 4.5 million bucks and a half a mile long sliver of land and maybe someone could build me my very own Shivering Timbers.

*** This post was edited by MagnumForce on 8/1/2002. ***

Sounds like anice trip. You had to end it at 99:)


Actually Brent, Cyclone was your 101st coaster, Sidewinder was your 99th. We did SDL-GB-SW-LR-Conestoga, Enterprise-forgot hersheys name, Cyclone, Giant Wheel.

Whats life if you never get to the Po!nt?

You think that Great Bear is better than talon!!!!! *GASP*!! How can that be??? Ahh anyway, nice TR. Yeah, Knoebels is a great park! Umm, if you didnt get air on the pheonix, it means you didnt sit in the first car. Ive found its the only way to get the air that everyone talks about so...

Yer right Dave Comet was 101 oh well. And yes I liked Great Bear better then Talon. Probably because I love the track with all the footchoppers behing Looper. My only problem is it just dies after the corkscrew. I love the sprawling layout though. Not your typical Invert at all which is why I think I liked it soo much.

Also I got plenty of Air on Phoenix but it still wasn't all that. Twister was 100 times better in my book.

All I need is 4.5 million bucks and a half a mile long sliver of land and maybe someone could build me my very own Shivering Timbers. ;)

Ahh ok now I get ya. Yeah, Great Bear is neat in how its such a unique layout. Also, twister is an absolutely AMAZING ride, and I think I need to start thinking if it is actually better than phoenix. Hmm..
Where did you ride on the Phoenix? #3 is the ejector seat. The Phoenix Usually tears around the track. Maybe it had a super rare bad day. :(

Knoebels visits in 2002. 6

I don't care where I rode on Phoenix, it still wasn't all that. I rode in the back. It had a lot of air but not half of what you get on Timbers and no laterals at all to speak of. Twister on the other hand OMG this thing rocks. It reminds me of The Legend except with a lot tighter layout. Laterals and air at the same time really take the cake for me. My favorite coaster is Timbers and that has air aplenty and truly splendid laterals on the final helix. Anyway Twister is the best coaster at Knoebel's not to say Phoenix isn't awesome. But when you compare the two, well there is no comparison.

All I need is 4.5 million bucks and a half a mile long sliver of land and maybe someone could build me my very own Shivering Timbers. ;)

I'll have to agree; Phoenix in the back isn't "all that". Mediocre at best.

But Phoenix in the front is incredible. You've done yourself a disservice by not taking a front seat ride. I'm a huge Timbers fan, and I find the air in the front seat of Phoenix to be superior to that of Timbers in force and ejection, but not quantity. Timbers wins there, no doubt.

The only way to know for sure is plan another trip there...:)

Without the chaindog, you'd never get up the lifthill...

Lines were very long the evening we were there and we had to find a place to stay we forgot about the NASCAR race at Pocono and every place was full. We finally ended up at the campground at Hershey that we werent supposed to get to until the next day.

Front seat of Timber's is the greatest ride in the world and the double helix at the end is what really makes it take the case. Without that helix it would not be nearly as good to me. I still stand by my assertion that Twister is the better of the too. Front, middle, back that thing is unrelemtless. My top 5 wood took a change there. It is now Timbers, Beast, Twister, Cornball, and Thunderbolt.

The Beast and Night, They go together like Peanut Butter and Jelly

Try the Phoenix backseat at 9:30 at night then tell me it's lacking. It's a close second to seat #3, but man, with the single position lapbars it's insane. The Phoenix was my first coaster ever, and is still my favorite woodie to date.

Yes I'm 15, no I'm not childish, I'm not being sarcastic, well maybe I do have somewhat of an ego...

This was at about 8 that we got the backseat ride. Unless it becomes 100 percent better an hour and a half later I still stand by my saying that it's the second best woodie at Knoebel's.

The Beast and Night, They go together like Peanut Butter and Jelly

This was my second trip to Knobles, and I rode front middle and last the first time and found it no better than any other woodie of its generation. Twister on the otherhand is still only second to Beast in my book, with Legend and Cornball tied for third. Of course by the time we left I was more woried about finding a place to sleep than waiting in another line. Note to self, when the day of your vacation start gets moved up a day, make shure you have a place to sleep that night.

Dave's Trips

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