anyone will know that intamin/ridetrade giant drops are great additions to any park and give a great experience to its riders.............they are the most flexible tower ride with three types of cars available, sit down, stand up and now floorless "fifth element" cars....
but how would these things work in rct2 cos each tower has a different amount of cars on it ranging from 2 to 6.
and drayton manors apocalypse giant drop tower has ALL three car styles on it, 2 of each except the fifth element.........
any ideas on how this could work on the game. i have this idea.
yall know that when ya build a space shot or gyro grop in the game you have to build a tower base to start with, why not have all the different bases in the special build menu so it would look like this
2 car tower base
3 car tower base
4 car tower base
5 car tower base
6 car tower base
gyro drop tower base
im sure yall get my drift.........
and ya select the cars ya want in the mechanics bit in the ride box. so theres 2 menus, one that selects what tower track you want (2-6) and the other menu selects what car type ya want on that part of the tower, so a recreation of apocalypse would be
track1 - sit down
track2 - sit down
track3 - stand up
track4 - stand up
track5 - floorless
and for the gyro drop there would be one menu that selects what car ya want like regular or floorless (acrophobia)
does anyone think this is too complicated or too stupid????
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these are photos of the cars im talking about
the sit down gyro drop is already in the game so i wont get a pic (i cant find one anyway)
ill let you guess which is which
intamin also do a space shot style ride called the ballistic power tower which is at SFholland.
they also do a bungee drop but i cant find good photos of it, i think the giant drop at dreamworld is a bungee drop but im not sure.
id like to see the gyro swing in there too malestrom at drayton manor.
giant drop more important though
I got these pics from coasterforce
could a mod make those pics show if possible on this forum
I-nar in a way you are right but there is no need for a floor on the sit down cars so its not floorless or floored id say
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*** This post was edited by Fler on 6/28/2002. ***
*** This post was edited by Fler on 6/28/2002. ***
That's a really good idea. But I think Chris Sawyer is just going to put Giant Drop cars on the 'Roto-Drop' attraction...
A CoasterForum Member
thanks for the feedback there dude
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