I want to hear about your employment at a park

I worked at USH as a ride ops lead at JP (as you can tell by my screenname) for 2 years (opening crew)  so I know what your talking about Rob, also filled in at BTTF and ET, I also worked at KBF in rides Sky Jump-Sky Cabin, Headspin and Monty and Finally at DL on the overnight(3rd) shift.

 Overall I had alot of fun but each park had its problems, but if you work with good people it makes things a lot better. Theme park work can make for long hot days but there are also lots of fun days just be open and have a good attitude. 

On the age thing you have to be 18 to work rides at all the parks I mentioned, I'm not sure but this may be a California law   


Dutchman, at Six Flags Gadv we get paid overtime after working 40 hours in a week, time and a half.
Like I said SOME states have seasonal labor exemptions. Ohio was one, may still be. You'd have to ask the CPer's out there if that's  still the case.
hello, first time poster.

i worked vf rides and even though ride ops sometimes work 15+ hr days or 70+ wks...the day always seems to go by fast enough that it doesn't seem like you really worked that long. and if you get to switch positions often, it really doesn't get so boring. and it's always what you make out of the job...if other ride ops that you work with aren't talkative or fun...then it's a little boring. if i work with ride ops that are fun...even after 15 hrs i wouldn't mind working longer.

I have worked at three parks.


I have worked on the following rides:

Beast, FOF, Racer, Recar, Vortex, Kings Mill Log Flume, Kentons Kove Keelboat Canal, Whitewater Canyon, Boo Boo's Baggage Claim, Phantom Theatre, Beastie, HB Carousel, Eiffel Tower, FX Theatre, King Cobra, Train, Antiques, Quick Draws Railway, Scooby's Ghoster Coaster, Chang and possibly more that escape me right now ;-)

I had a highly enjoyable experience at PKI.  I had a horrible experience at SFKK.  And as far as BGW, well I only lasted a day...by choice... so I cannot pass judgement.


A.K.A. John K.

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