I think I'll try my hand at this--SFGam 8/5/02

Associated parks:

Go easy on me. :)

I had to work in the morning, so I didn't arrive at the park until 4:00PM. Since I got there so late, I had to park in the boonies but I scooted my behind right to Demon where my party was waiting for me--4 adults and 2 kids, just barely 48 inches tall.

Took on Demon first, in the last row, and got huge air on the first drop. Everyone in my party could go on, so it was a good way to start my visit.

From there, the kids went to Giant Drop. I, having conquered the drop 2 years ago by riding with my eyes open and hands and feet out, no longer feel the need to bother. That's my cop-out. I'm really just chicken. :) While the kids waited for that, we adults headed for Raging Bull. The park seemed crowded, but we only waited about 20 minutes which was a nice surprise. Got my favorite seat, back row on the right, but I accidentally stapled myself in so I cheated myself. The ride seemed to be running fast though, so it was all good. My favorite part is always right before I drop, watching all the rows tumble over the crest of the hill before I get yanked down.

Met up with the chillun again and headed for the Eagle backwards. (we were just darting around the park, there seemed to be no rhyme or reason. Just whim) The ride was a walk on, but just as we went to walk on, they had to stop operation because a train was stuck on top of the lift. We hustled to the red side, hoping to get up there in time to make snide "need a lift" remarks to the stuck people, but it wasn't meant to be.

Anyway, this is the scariest coaster I've ever been on. I don't know why. Once we get to the helix, though, I'm fine, anticipating the air on the bunny hills or whatever you call them. So we shoot out of the helix, and BOOM. Brakes. Hard brakes. So no air. I was extremely disappointed and complained bitterly until we got back to the station.

Anywho, from there we went back to do some flat rides--the Scrambler (I know that's not the name but I can't remember it right now), Triple Play, and Orbit. Fun. :) My 7 year old niece was stuck to me like glue. It's fun to go on rides with a kid. From there, we went to Whizzer, which was running 3 trains. We waited probably 15 or 20 minutes, and then thoroughly enjoyed our last ride on this old favorite.

Then we abandoned it to ride V2 while the kids went to the Cartoon Network place. The wait was more than tolerable, it was nice and cool and there was a swift breeze blowing. I rode in the back row and had a blast. There's not much to say, except that I always come off V2 shaking for some reason.

We decided to hit Raging Bull one more time before we left. This time I didn't staple myself though. ;) Amazing air, and it was running incredibly fast. I hardly noticed the braking on the 3rd hill.

Then we left. I missed out on Viper, but I'll get it next time. I deliberately skipped Deja Vu, Iron Wolf, and Batman, and Shockwave wasn't running. Overall, it was a nice afternoon. The park was clean, staff was nice enough, and we didn't spend a dime thanks to the security staff who always let us in with our bags and coolers full of snacks and drinks.

So that's it. That's my first trip report. :) I'm going to work on my storytelling skills so that my next one will blow you away.

If you're skating on thin ice, you may as well tap dance.

Do you not like DeJa-Vu or just didnt want to ride it that day?!

Im the #1 Canobie Lake Park Fan!!!These are my top 3 coasters:
1. S:RoS @ SFNE 2. Yankee Cannonball 3. Cyclone/B:TDK

Great TR! Maybe I'll take a shot a writing one one of these days.

Scrambler=Hometown Fun Machine.

I actually haven't been on it yet. I'm very...er...well-endowed I guess, so I'm not a fan of OTSRs, especially when I'm being smashed against them for more than a second or two.

If you're skating on thin ice, you may as well tap dance.

Did you notice how long the line was for Deja Vu? Nice TR.


I can't speak for BuffaloGal, but during my many visits for Deja Vu, the queue always seems full, and you should expect to wait 1-2 hours for the ride (for the next few weeks, anyway.)

I was there on Sunday (not for long, too many damn people) and Shockwave was closed then too.

Though I know it probably doesn't, I certainly HOPE it means something.

-Matt, who sincerely wishes that the big blue abomination is gone soon, though he's too smart to believe it will be. :)

Very nice TR. However, I can't believe you skipped the best ride in the park - Viper.

Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former." - Albert Einstein

Eventhough I've never been to the park( that problem will be remedied in two weeks), the park website has Shockwave as its fourth listing for their favorite thrill ride poll, so I highly doubt it's going anywhere soon.

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