I Need Help Collecting Park Magnets.

Hello All,

I started this thread with the hope of getting some help obtaining some amusement park magnets. I have started a collection of at least one "refrigerator" magnet from each amusement park I have visited. Since I started this "Collection" Well after visiting many amusement parks around the country, I am asking for help obtaining magnets from the parks I missed.

If anyone has a magnet they would like to trade, give, or sell to me, it would be much appreciated. I am in need of magnets for the following parks:

* Castles and Coasters (do they even have any?)
* Whalom
* Six Flags Great America
* Six Flags over Georgia
* Epcot
* MGM Studios
* Six Flags Worlds of Adventure (never picked up a magnet when it was SF)

And the Magnet I would be willing to negotiate a small sum for is:

* BOBLO ISLAND (My childhood Amusement park)

I prefer magnets with the Park name being the focus. Ride magnets are cool, but I prefer the focus to be on the whole park.

If anybody can help me with this please Private Message me, or leave a post in this Thread.

James K

*** Edited 3/14/2005 7:24:00 AM UTC by James K***

Sorry I don't have magnets, but I do have some other stuff from Great America that you might be interested in.


Thanks Cwsr. You have some great stuff, but nothing I currently interested in. Sorry.

Can anybody else help me with anything?

Also, I would be willing to look at any Boblo items you may have avaliable.


Have you tried EBay? ;)

Me? I'm dishonest, and a dishonest man you can always trust to be dishonest. Honestly. It's the honest ones you want to watch out for, because you can never predict when they're going to do something incredibly... stupid.
yes, I have. Currently I have found nothing I am looking for. Thank you for the suggestion though!
James, I have a whole pile of things to sift through before putting on ebay. I'll get back to you cause I don't really remember what was in there.

SOB's biggest fanboy!
Actually James, I have found a few magnets laying around. 1 is of the Outlaw and Adventureland, the other is of Wild Thing at Valleyfair. I may shove them up on Ebay sometime today if you are interested.
Thanks Guys (or gals?)

Currently I have limited the collection to only Parks which I have been too. I am very interested if you have any from the parks I listed above.

Unfortunately, Cwsr, I have not been to either adventutreland or Valleyfair yet. I would most likely pick up a magnet when I would be there.

I am considering expanding the collection to parks I have not been to either. I so not know If I am ready for that yet.

Thanks again!

rollergator's avatar
Has anyone ELSE noticed that this little thread made the bylines over at ARN&R?

James K gets his moment in the sun....soak up that 15 minutes of fame, LOL! :)

If your lucky, you might find a small peice of neodynium iron boron magnet near TTD's launch area. They chip off the catch car from time to time.
Where on ARN&R? I can't find it. ;)

Me? I'm dishonest, and a dishonest man you can always trust to be dishonest. Honestly. It's the honest ones you want to watch out for, because you can never predict when they're going to do something incredibly... stupid.
Sorry James, I only have a few things from Great America, some Shockwave t-shirts/postcards and some Whizzer keychains.

SOB's biggest fanboy!
James did you check your private messages?

Millennium Force Laps-169 **Vertigo Launches-21** Dragster Launches-53
Sorry Guys.. I Have been busy the past couple days and off of the Buzz, which is really rare for me. Thanks for all the help, and all PM's have been responded to.

Now I am off to ARN&R to see if this rumor is true.


Okay, Now I am back from ARN&R. I do not think I have laughed at myself so hard in a while. Thanks ARN&R, I do need help of all kinds! :)

Truth is, my wife started the collection of magnets of parks we had visited together. Then she left me... so now I am stuck with all these magnets and had to do something with them. Add all the parks I had visited without her, and I have a collection.

Now don't you feel bad ARN&R? Probably not. :)

Again, thanks everyone for the help.

*** Edited 3/24/2005 3:54:50 AM UTC by James K***

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